((scenario one))

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((after death kids X3))

((you can request a Headcanon on the request page))

how were they like when you two started dating?

-he was lowkey nervous

-is very insecure that the relationship won't last cause of how reserved he is

-will try to put emotion when you two make affection with each other

-and that makes you the top in your relationship with the son of death himself

-when he starts to warm up he shows affection 24/7,he mostly shows it if you two are alone..


-now YOUR the one who's low key scared

-you know you have the blessing of yours and his parents but is very insecure that you won't be enough for him.

-he brags you to his friends

-isn't afraid of PDA

-takes you to simple dates, like strolling or buying food at the night markets

-affection is everywhere when you date him hon

-God damn he's a flirt-

-you can't believe this hot sack of a boyfriend is the son of death itself

-nonetheless you both love each other


-you both hide your relationship from everyone, except some of his friends and his parents

-when Raven finds out he would tease you,but mostly Sorell till day's end.

-after going out you two would snuggle but only that since it's the start of the relationship

-after 5 months of being together you both God confident at hugging each other in public, planting kisses on each other.

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