Hello Me?

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Dr. Cleavan: Who's first?

C- Topanga: me! *runs and jumps in

After Topanga jumped in she left everyone in shock but they soon followed her in the portle then everything went black.

K.Cory: my eyes started to flutter open and I could see Dr.cleavlan and a Beautiful woman hovering over me. Then it hit me it was the older Topanga! What was I thinking I don't like Topanga.

Kid Cory shot up and everyone was hovering over him except for teen Topanga and Doc they were explaining how they got here to some random people. one had long dark wavy brown hair and looked like Cory another had long wavy hair like Topanga but Cory's face and the other was a tiny boy who looked exactly like Cory

K.Cory: what's going on.

O- Cory: your in the future

Girl: wow *smiles

Another girl: who are you

K.Cory: I could ask you the same

Girl: I'm Rebecca and I'm 13

Other girl: I'm riley and I'm 10

Little boy: I'm Auggie Mafews and I'm this many years olds *holds up 4 fingers

K.Topanga: well hi Auggie*Holds out hand to shake.

Auggie dodges her hand and gives her a hug making everyone awe and smile.

O.Topanga: listen I know we just met but we need to head to our house cause it's getting late.

Rebecca: I'm tired *yawns

Auggie: me too

As they all start walking Auggie holds his arms out for college Cory to pick him up. When he does all the Topanga's smile.

Riley: Topanga's you can use my pajamas and You can use moms. *points to college Topanga.

As the girls walked to there rooms the oldest Cory started to set up mattresses for them. What do I do with this thing college Cory pointed to the sleeping boy cuddled into his arms. Before he left to put him in bed old Cory secretly took a picture of them and sent it to Becca and Topanga.

Becca's POV

I was showing the girls my room and moms room when I heard my phone buzz. I clicked on the notification and my face lit up. What is it my mom said. Dad got a secret picture of his younger self holding auggie. Can I see the college Topanga asked followed by the other too.

Aww they all squealed. That's so cute the youngest Topanga said. Yeah it really is high school Topanga squealed.

Rebeca yall need to go to bed we still have to go to that party tomorrow. Mom smiled. Its gonna be really hot, isn't it Becca frowned. You already know the answer to that Cory scoffed. I just stuck my tongue out at him and he stuck his right back at me making everyone laugh. Night she giggled. Night they said and walked out, when they walked out doctor Cleavan ran in guys I have some news. What Kid Cory asked. Yall have exactly two weeks here. Then I'll be back to pick Yall up. But- Riley was interrupted with a loud poof and Doctor Cleavlan was gone.

Well I guess yall are gonna be here for a while Riley said walking in Becca's room.  Hey riles do you mind if the youngest Topanga there's not a lot of room for all of us Becca said. No problem follow me. once the girls leave college Topanga walks to the couch to sleep with the boys and the high school Topanga got comfortable on the couch I had in my room. Night she said. Goodnight I whispered.

 Goodnight I whispered

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Rebeca's room

Rebeca's room

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There house

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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