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Momotaro's POV

should I tell the guys?

I looked at Mikado and thought 'Should I tell him...I know she wants us to not hide our relationship but...I don't know what to do.' I quickly snapped out of it and started paying attention to conversation that was going on but nothing really caught my attention, I'm always watching them talking so, it gets's always --

Kento flirting

Hikaru throwing "insults" to Nome

Ryuji eating a lollipop

Kazuna is being the awkward leader

Yuta annoying Goshi

Mikado talking about his magic girl anime

-- My thoughts started to wonder 'why Tsubasa wasn't here...'

I started to zone out

-- I don't remember what happened for the rest of the day, it went by so fast.

The next day,

I went over to Tsubasa's.

I knocked

Few seconds later

I knocked


No reply

She gave me a key so, I could help myself in,

I opened it, I went in.

I closed the door behind me

I kept my eyes on the floor 

'M-my gut is telling me something is off...?'

I started to lift my head up...slowly


what I heard made me full of hatred


Momotaro Onzai X Mikado SekimuraWhere stories live. Discover now