A problem

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Warning: Mention of sex 


The next day,

I went over to Tsubasa's.

I knocked

Few seconds later

I knocked


No reply

She gave me a key so, I could help myself in,

I opened it, I went in.

I closed the door behind me

I kept my eyes on the floor 

'M-my gut is telling me something is off...?'

I started to lift my head up...slowly


what I heard made me very confused and angry

I heard--

"A-ah! Yes!"

My eyes widen,


"Kento ah!"


I just stood there and heard the screams of my 'girlfriend'

It stopped

"Oh my god. Thank you, I feel good n-."

she was cut off by her new 'Lover'.

"Why? Let's just make it official, if Onzai won't give you what I can."

it was silent for a moment


I heard the door open, everything stopped


her voice is shaking

I felt tears coming out

I walked away, she was calling my name but I didn't care.

I'm going to Mikado.


There will be some subjects in this book but I'll warn you...

Momotaro Onzai X Mikado SekimuraWhere stories live. Discover now