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Over the next few months, I kept meeting with the group every week. The love Artemis had for the great outdoors meant most of our activities were outside, whether that meant long walks in the forest or drinks on a terrace overlooking an open field. My usually deathly pale skin was now sun-kissed. I loved all of my new friends, but I had an even closer bond with V. In addition to our weekly outings, we started to hang out together outside the group as well. As promised, we saw many more sunrises together after exciting nights out. We saw live concerts, drank delicious cocktails, toured the best restaurants in the city. Most importantly, I laughed like never before. She quickly became my best friend. She was always one call away if I needed a good time, but she was also there if I needed a shoulder to cry on. She dried my tears quite a few times, and always knew how to cheer me up. She also shared her secrets and her fears with me. Somehow, I knew I was the only one she told most of those things. I felt honoured to be the one she shared that side of herself with.

Things took a turn on a cool September night. Despite the days getting colder as summer came to an end, we stubbornly decided to meet in the park for a picnic. We walked up to our favorite spot, on top of a small hill. The hill overlooked a small forest, and we often sat there to watch the sun lower itself towards the trees until it disappeared completely. We lay down a thick blanket and sat down. Everything was as usual at first: we ate cheese, bread and fruit, drank some wine out of plastic cups, and talked.

"This kind of evening is the reason I don't ever want this summer to end," I admitted. I realized these simple, carefree moments with her had been amongst the happiest moments of my life. I watched the end of summer creep closer with a twinge of sadness. I had no doubt we would remain close friends, but I would soon be busy with college assignments again. I was scared those weekly - and sometimes almost daily - pockets of joy by her side would be taken from me.

"I feel the same," she replied with a warm smile.

We fell into a comfortable silence, watching the sunset. We were still for a few minutes, watching the sky go from yellow, to orange, to pink and then purple. Then, as we watched the last dying rays of sun pierce through the trees, I felt the weight of her head on my shoulder. My heart started to beat faster at her contact, and I prayed she couldn't somehow hear it. I tried my best to keep still, not wanting the moment to end. Her hand brushed against mine, leaving tingles on its path. Was this really happening? I turned to face her. Her chocolate brown eyes locked with mine. I glanced down at her lips, curled into a smile. The old me would have stopped right there, scared to jeopardize the best friendship I ever had. But I wasn't my usual overthinking self with her. When she was by my side, I was still me but... bolder. Fearless. This felt right. I leaned in. Her lips were so close to mine, I could feel their warmth.

Then my heart sank as I remembered. I stopped.

"We can't," I said with a lump in my throat. "I took an oath, and you probably did too. No romance, not ever." 

For the first time, I regretted making that promise. I wished I could go back in time and undo it. Tears welled up in my eyes. I wanted to break this promise so badly, but anyone who knows the slightest bit about mythology knows what it can cost to disobey a god. People had been turned into animals or tormented beyond death for such an offense. I couldn't put us through this for a kiss, no matter how much I wanted it.

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