Part 1-I think you should go.

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How'd my life get here?

Jake has been gone for five months now and we still haven't found him.

What if he's- No! Amy don't think that way.

We'll find him.

But what if they're torturing him? Or- Ugh!

Stupid thoughts.

I'm sorry you're all probably very confused I should probably start from the beginning.

Just a normal Friday morning.......

I walk into the nine nine to see Jake got here before me.

How is that even possible?

Jake and Rosa are messing around with Scully and Hitchcock. They're sleeping and Jake and Rosa are seeing how much stuff they can pile on their laps without waking them.

Holt and Terry are in Holts office probably getting ready for this mornings briefing. And Charles is talking to Gina.

I place my badge and gun on my desk then go over where Jake and Rosa are.

"Why must you two mess with Scully and Hitchcock?" I ask them, shaking my head.

They both shush me.

"Rosa said yesterday Scully and Hitchcock were in the girls washroom." Jake explains in a whisper.

I shrug my shoulders then grab a binder and place it on top of a pile of paper they have on Scully's lap. The binder doesn't make everything fall and we all give each other silent high-fives.

Holt and Terry come out so we all run to our desks.

"Good morning squad our briefing will start in ten minutes." Terry announces before going back to his desk.

I see my boyfriend Teddy coming in from the elevator.

Why is he here?

He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the empty briefing room and closes the doors.

"Hey Teddy. What are you doing here?" I question him, raising an eyebrow.

"Last week you arrested someone named Rose right?" He begins and I nod. "Rose Wells?"

I nod again slowly.

"My cousin." He states, glaring at me.

My eyes widen. "I didn't know that."

"Clearly." He mumbles loudly.

He grabs my wrist roughly.

I wince. "Let go of my hand." I order him.

He holds my wrist tighter. "You arrested my cousin, she's innocent."

"Jake and I had evidence-" I begin but he interrupts me.

"Jake and you." He growls, pulling me closer by my wrist. "This is Jakes fault?"

I shake my head. "No we both solved the case."

He starts twisting my arm back.

"Stop." I command him but he ignores me.

"You're going to make sure my cousin doesn't go to jail." He tells me, continuing to twist my arm

"Or else what?" I ask, then gasp out in pain.

"You don't even want to know." He snarls.

Someone clears their throat.

Life, am I right?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin