Part 3-Children.

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Jake POV
When I get to the hospital the next morning Amy is gone.

And since our suspect is missing we can all leave.

I don't see Amy the rest of the weekend.


I'm sore all over. It's Monday and I haven't seen Jake. But I've seen a lot of Teddy unfortunately.

He was horrible to me all weekend.

I'm worried Jake knows it's him. I had a moment where I almost told him and Jake interrupted me and said 'I know' before I even finished what I was saying.

What the heck does 'I know' mean?

I hope he doesn't know. It'll only make everything worse. Teddy might hurt him....... or worse.

I don't know who Teddy is anymore.

I walk into the bullpen to see Jake and Rosa sitting at Jake and I's desks.

"Hey." I smile at them.

Today it took so long to cover up the bruises and cuts so I'm a little late.

"Wow, Amy Santiago late?" Rosa jokes, walking back to her desk.

"I slept in." I call after her.

"You?" Jake doubts with a grin.

I nod quickly before getting started on work.

"How'd that happen?" Jake nods at my arm.

I look down and see a big bruise. "Oh, nothing."

He pokes it and I pull my arm away with a laugh.


I walk into the evidence lock up to see Jake standing there leaning against a shelf with boxes on them. His hand is placed on his chest as he tries to catch his breath.

"Jake?" I say making my way over to him.

I place my hand on his back.

He looks at me and starts gasping for air. He's about to speak but has a coughing fit instead.

I look him up and down not knowing what to do.

"Inhaler." He manages in a whisper.

My eyes go wide, I run out of the room and over to our desks. I open his desk drawer rummaging through it before finally finding it at the back.

I sprint back to the room to see Jake sitting on the ground. I kneel down beside him, taking the cap of the inhaler then holding it up to his mouth.

He opens his mouth and I look him in the eyes.

He nods.

I press down on the inhaler and I hear the spray noise as Jake breathes in.

Jake holds his breath for a few seconds before breathing out. I press on the inhaler once more. He breathes it in then breathes out.

He takes the inhaler from me and places it in his pocket.

Jake continues breathing in and out, before sighing.

"Thanks." He gives me a lazy smile.

"You're ok?" I question him.

He nods.

I lean back against the boxes as well.

"About what happened with Teddy-" Jake begins but I sit up, interrupting him.

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