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Is that what they see me as?

A thing you through away then it comes back

Clean new and unused?

Am I used goods?!

Why do they treat me like it?

Why do they not see that inside im hurting

Why do they keep using me as their maid

Cant they see?

I just want to be loved


And happy

But with them,

I'm depressed

And angry

Angry at the fact that I'm their flesh and blood!

But im treated like a fucking house elf!

"Mistress called Dobby, what can Dobby do for the mistress?"

That is what i feel i should say

Am i not worthy of love

Compassion and trust?

Must i beg for forgiveness

Beg for a reason i have no clue of


Is that what they see me as?


A/N: This is an original story written by me. if you want your story or poem, please email

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