Twenty One

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Jessica woke up and looked over to see Sophie on Sam's chest. She eased out of bed and went to the guest room to check on Jaxson. When the door opened, Jaxson shot up.

"Auntie Jess?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Hey Jax, you hungry?"


"Follow me!"


Sam smiled at Jessica as she held Jaxson on her hip while flipping pancakes.

"Does that look like Mickey?"


"Good. I was worried." Jessica laughed as she sat him down.

Sam chuckled at her and shook his head. Sophia babbled, giving her and Sam away to Jessica.

"Good morning baby!"

Sam walked over and kissed Jessica.

"Good morning sweet girl!" Jessica kissed Sophia's head.

"Something about this just seems right."

"It does."  Jessica said as she gave Jaxson his pancake.

"Do you want to get some of her puffs? They're in her diaper bag." 

Sophia sat in her bumbo on the table eating her hands.

"Yeah I can."

Jessica made everyone's plate and sat down. She grabbed everyone's hands and prayed.


Jessica and Sam sat on the deck as Jaxson played in the pool. Sophia was down for a nap in the pack n play.

"Watch this Aunt Jessie!"

Jaxson held his nose and dove into the pool.

"Good job!"

Jessica smile faded for a second, Faith would've been his age. She quickly took a deep breath as her smile returned. George was taking care of her baby and she was looking after his.

Sophia's scream ripped her back to reality and she sighed. Sam rubbed his thumb over her hand.

"I'll get her."

Sam walked back over after grabbing the baby and Jessica smiled up at Sophia.

"Hey Sophie."

"Ah!" Sophia gave Jessica a grumpy look.

"Someone didn't get their nap out."


Sophia snuggled in Sam and kept glaring at Jessica.

"What is that face, grumpy?"

Jessica smiled at her and shook her head.

"You hungry grumpy?"

"I'll go get her high chair."

As Jessica fed Sophie, she began to wonder what her baby would look like. She imagined the button nose her daughter spoke of and smiled.

"Open wide." Jessica said as Sophie opened her mouth.

"Oops-you dropped some. Sam will you get me a napkin?"

"Of course ma'lady."

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