Prologue I

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65 million years ago dinosaurs roamed the earth in their natural habitat, living contently by themselves without outside factors to change how they lived. Living off of their animalistic instincts with the forever struggle of trying to survive. Survival of the fittest, those who were better suited for the environment and were stronger. Their lives were soon ended when Mother Nature decided that the world needed a change. A change where dinosaurs were not needed and were no longer around. These creatures were laid to rest in the ground. They became extinct and what only remained were their more domestic descendants who thrived. The dead are meant to stay dead, forever in their eternal slumber. That ended up not being the case.

A company named InGEN, operated under the supervision of John Hammond. John Hammond was a arrogant, flamboyant and idealistic dreamer who discovered the way to clone extinct animals from blood-sucking insects that had been fossilized in amber. Don't let this old man fool you, for his motives had went against all morals — the man was in it for the money. His InGEN crew were successfully able to make clones of the extinct creatures called dinosaurs. The man was more concerned about his precious animals and their condition, rather than the workers who were putting their lives on the lines to handle these creatures. Treating them poorly, he would have many mood swings and take his anger out on them. Hammond was set on making his dream a reality and was just waiting for the money to roll in. Fate had other plans, and during the development of the park it took a turn for the worst. Hammond tried his best to hold onto his dream, only for it to be ripped from him as his coworkers began to leave him or people were being killed from his company's creations. His dream became a idea. And idea he could never make happen.

"Dinosaurs and man, two species separated by sixty-five million years of evolution have just been suddenly thrown back into the mix together. How can we possibly have the slightest idea what to expect?"—Alan Grant

What they definitely didn't expect was the development of Quirks. Superpowers that made the past look like the dark ages. It made life easier and sped up the technological development of the world. This gave InGEN, the scientist behind the creation of the first unsuccessful park, another opportunity to create a new and improved park. Taking John Hammond's dream and made it a reality, their efforts were successful and the were able to make a successful park Hammond could only see in his dreams.

Like the saying goes, history always has a way of repeating itself. This saying is true for this time around.

Jurassic World, one of the most high technological parks that were around. Bringing in thousands of people each day to see their many attractions showcasing some well known dinosaurs like the Tyrannosaurs Rex. The facility was getting more popular by the years as more and more species were introduced to the public to keep their interest. Unlike John Hammond, Claire Dearing who was the manager of the park, she was more focused on appealing to the people. It was her top priority that the people were satisfied and were having fun, the creatures themselves were merely numbers. She was not concerned for their well-being. "Are they enjoying life?" This was a question she could not answer or at least give a humane approach.

Being insensitive to what was happening around her and what was happening. Claire and Simon Masrani(the CEO of Jurassic World) allowed for the creation of a creature that would lead to the downfall to the park. The Indominus Rex, a being that is so intelligent as it is deadly. They tried to handle the situation and hold onto their progress, it didn't take long for the two to realize that trying to contain the beast was a lost cause and the safety of the guest were the top priority.

After many trials and errors, Claire and Owen were able to organize a battle of dinosaurs to finally bring the end of the hybrid. All was well, for a while at least. Not until a volcano woke up from its slumber.

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