Not Real Cancer Info(A.I. Generated)

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(A/N: This is all A.I. Generated and you should take none of this info as true. I just put in a word and it spits this out, the only thing I do is to try and make it make sense. Put words to put through the A.I. in the comments!)

Cancer outcomes were similar among all 12 centres: 6.1% overall non-melanoma skin cancer and 5.8% overall cancer (16).

The main cancer subgroups were mean disease duration of less than 12 years (13.7% overall non-melanoma skin cancer and 9.7% overall cancer) and all malignant skin cancer, excluding squamous cell carcinoma (18.7% overall non-melanoma skin cancer and 16.1% overall cancer) (Table 4).

The average incidences of skin cancer were the highest among women (mean 87.2 incidents per 1000 person-years) and the lowest among men (mean 2.3 per 1000 person-years).

 In all categories except for incident pediatric or young adult skin cancers, the incidence of skin cancer was less than 1% for all ages combined, except for the youngest group of young adults, age 35-45.Conclusions:Nonsmoking Asian Americans are more likely to develop melanoma, and this may be due in part to their increased risk of skin cancer, especially in relation to exposure to sun exposure and sunscreens. The impact of this finding on smoking cessation among Asian Americans is not known.

Our finding that Asian Americans are more likely than Hispanics to report health care use (66.6% versus 47.8%, respectively) underscores the need for Asian Americans to access culturally appropriate and evidence-based health care services.

 To improve access to community-based and ethnic health centers, 5.1 million people could be served with an additional $9 billion in increased spending over the next ten years. In addition to these regional providers, healthcare funding should also increase for culturally appropriate and evidence-based services (Williams & Wu, 2013). Community-based health centers offer a valuable adjunct to conventional public health programs, as they provide both direct and indirect health services.

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