Chapter 5- Im what?

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Roni and Aaron are at the hospital cuz Roni was pale and had a head ache so Aaron drove her to the hospital to see if she is okay. The doctor is gonna tell them what happened to her.

D: so you (points at Aaron) are Veronica's boyfriend, am I correct?
A: yes I am, why would you ask?
D: Well, Veronica was getting pale and having head aches because you two are expecting . Congratulations you two.
A: Roni ur pregnant?
R: umm Aaron, these past few days I have had morning sickness but I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure but now we know. I'm sorry Aaron that I didn't tell you and it's ok if you don't want the baby.
A: are you joking Roni, I would love to be a dad, I love kids. Also it's ok that you didn't tell me because you didn't know either. Don't stress ok
R: I'm trying not to cry but it's so exciting but I'm so scared (starts to cry)
A:hey hey shh shh don't cry beautiful it's ok we will get through this together, I will never leave you (smiles at Roni and kisses her on the forehead)

Christian and Nessa come running into the hospital. They finally reach Ronis room.
N: Roni are you ok?
R: ye I'm fine but me and Aaron have to tell you guys something. Looks worried and glances at Aaron.
N: ok is it very important?
R: yes very very important
A: yes super super important
N: can u just stop saying that it s very important and get to the point geez 😒
R: well umm, I don't know how to say it
R: ok ok I'm pregnant ok?
R: ye I am, please don't be mad at me or Aaron
N: why would I be mad, I'm so happy for you and Aaron.
C: ye congrats guys, congrats bro.
A: thanks for the support guys, we really appreciate it but how are we suppose to tell our parents?
R: umm idk, do you think mommy and daddy would be mad at me oh no would they be mad and make me move out or something (starts panicking and worrying)
A: hey hey Roni it's ok, just calm down and we will figure that out later, for now you just have to think about keeping u and the baby safe because you two are my main priority right now ok? Just calm down (smiles at Roni and hugs her)
R: thanks Aaron I really needed that, and ur right we will figure that out later.
A: Also, ur parents are so nice and supportive of both of you, they wouldn't be mad at you or kick you out of your own house and besides if they do kick you out you can stay with me. I will always be here for you and the baby no matter what, just remember that.
R: really, you would let me stay at your house?
A: ofc I would, your my girlfriend and I would do anything for you to stay safe because I love you Veronica Jo Merrell ❤
R: I love you too Aaron Burriss and they kiss.

Roni is ok now and can go back home and they are planning on telling their parents about the baby at the dinner table tomorrow

Ronis pov
It is currently 6:00pm and my mom just called us to go down stairs for dinner and I'm starting to get a little nervous because today is the day I tell my parents that I'm pregnant. I don't know how they are gonna react to that but I just know if anything happens Aaron and Nessa will be there for me no matter what and support me.

A: hey Roni let's go down to eat dinner ok?
R: ok l-lets go
A: Roni are you nervous about telling ur parents about the baby?
R: ye I just want to know what their reaction is to the baby 😞
A: Beautiful, it's gonna be ok, even if it is bad feedback just remember you have Nessa and I behind ur back (hugging Roni)
R: ik. Thank you Aaron ☺❤
A: for what?
R: for everything you have done for me, you have helped me through a lot these past few weeks and I really appreciate it 😊😙
A: No problem Roni, you deserve it now come on let's go have dinner.
R: ok let's ok 😥

They go downstairs cuz they were in Ronis room and they ate dinner and it is time to tell their parents.
Also P=Paul and W=Wendy
Their parents if you didn't know that.

R: mommy, daddy, umm me and Aaron have to tell you something.
P: ok
R: can u promise that you won't be mad at us though
W: ok we promise
R: well um,impregnantwithAaronsbaby,pleasedontkickmeoutofthehouse
W: ur pregnant?
R: ye I am
P: why would we be mad at you and kick you out, we would never do that, congrats honey (walks over and hugs Roni and Aaron and Wendy does the same)
A: thank you Mrs and Mr Merrell!
P: don't call Mrs and Mr. Merrell, call us Paul and Wendy.
A: ok then, thanks for your support Paul and Wendy.
R+A: ☺😥❤

Thanks for reading this chapter of "the missing puzzle piece" I hope you guys enjoyed it. Bye for now! 😙❤☺

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