Waking up

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"Ri, come on wake up, we have to move... Dad will wake up soon" I cried attempting to pick up the limp body of the boy on the ground in front of me, but he was too heavy for me to lift on my own. "Seungri, please" I pleaded trying to pull the boy up, but he still wouldn't move.

After a few more attempts to drag the abnormally pale boy off the ground, my body finally gave up and I collapsed to the floor next to him "ok Ri, just sleep for now... I'll keep you safe while you sleep" I picked the small boy up in my arms and cradled him to my chest, rocking us back and forth "I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promised that I would always take care of you"

I started to sing, Ri always told me that he liked my singing. Loud pounding came from outside the door and I tensed holding Ri tighter to my chest "it's fine Ri, he won't hurt you, I won't let him"

Loud booming footsteps where heard outside the door and more pounding echoed through the tiny dark room.

"I've got the father, go find the kids" I heard an unfamiliar voice yell.

I rocked back and forth harder "it'll be over soon, Ri. They'll leave us alone and we'll be safe"

"I think they're in here, but the doors locked" a man calls and the door starts to shriek and shutter as something heavy slams into it.

A sob breaks through my lips "Ri, please get up, we have to run" but the lifeless boy in my arms remained silent.

Suddenly the door burst open sending wood splinters flying across the room. I covered Seungri's body to prevent any from hitting him.

A man dressed in a uniform appears at the door "I found them" he yelled, then stares at the scene in front of him with wide eyes, seeming to be in shock, but it quickly turns to pity "son, my name is officer Kim, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm here to help"

I looked away from his gaze and buried my face in Ri's neck "Seungri, this man wants to help... should we trust him?" Still no answer from the boy below me.

"Jiyong right?" A woman appears at the door "listen we are here to help you, your father won't be able to hurt you anymore... you can trust us"

My lip trembled and I grasped onto Ri's arm so tightly he would have a bruise when he wakes up. The officer and the woman have a hushed conversation that I couldn't hear, and the officer takes a step forward, monitoring my reaction.

The officer comes over to me once he realizes that I'm not going to freak out and crouches down in front of us "Jiyong, we need to get you to the hospital"

I shake my head "Ri needs a hospital, I think he's sick... he's not waking up"

I could see the woman from the door on the verge of tears, and I felt a little bit of warmth surround me at her worry for Seungri.

"Ok, let's get him to the hospital, help me get him there" officer Kim says about to grab onto Seungri, but I pull him away.

"No don't touch him, he's sleeping... I promised that I wouldn't let anyone bother him while he's sleeping" I say angrily.

The officer holds up his hands "ok, but how are we going to get him to the doctor if we can't touch him?"

I thought about it and realized he was right, I had tried to pick Ri up earlier but he was to heavy.

"You can help, but don't wake him up" I say, and officer Kim leans forward placing his hands lightly under Seungri's torso, and helps me lift him up.

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