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As soon as my last class ends I rush to the principles office and arrive right as he is walking out. He doesn't seem at first as he walks out.

"Bellamy Blake what the hell did you do" I say as menacing as I can but he only sheepishly smiles.

"Oh hey clarke! I like your uh... Shoes. Are they new or something" he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck.

I frustratedly grab his arm and pull him to the side of the hallway. "Stop stalling and tell m-" I'm cut off by a bruised Finn exiting the principals office my mouth drops open and Finn glances in my direction but Bellamy quickly, almost unnoticeably, steps in front of me, blocking me from view.

I open my mouth to say I don't even know what to Bellamy but he starts "I'm sorry Clarke" and this shuts me right up. "I told you I would take of it, didn't I?"

"I thought you might talk to him or... Or I don't know! Not punch him!" I whisper yell at him.

"Okay sure Clarke. Why don't you write up a quick peace treaty and we can all sit around a camp fire and sort this out." His tone drips with sarcasm as he whisper yells back.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude. I'm just not used to being responsible for someone else getting punched. I need to get going, I have to find Octavia" and I head off before he can say another word.

I find Octavia and she eagerly reminds me that it is time for art club. I have a feeling she is not so eager for the art but for seeing a certain someone. My thoughts are proved right as she rushes to where Lincoln is sitting as I sit down next to Jasper. My favorite thing about art club is that, unlike art class, you can draw or paint whatever you want. It gives me a chance to disappear into my own world and draw the inner realms of my mind. About half way through, I glance back at Lincoln and Octavia and of course Octavia doesn't even have materials in front of her. I look towards Lincoln and figure out that he is drawing her. That's why she doesn't have materials. His brow creases in determination like he NEEDS to make it right. Octavia giggles and tries to peek but he blocks the paper and smiles at her. It makes my heart sad but I still am very happy for her. I just wish someone would look at me that way.

I push away my silly thoughts and pour myself back into my work.


"Clarke! Claaaarrrrkkkee!" I feel Jaspers hand of my shoulder and loom up with a jolt. He laughs a little at my surprise but continues, "come on, times up, time to go home." I look around and see everyone packing up.

"Wow I guess I just got sucked up into my work." I look down at the watercolor painting I started. Pastels swirling in a whirlpool of confusing emotions.

"It's beautiful" Jasper smiles at me and kneels down next to me to help me put my stuff away.

"Thank you" I smile back at him.

"Octavia come on. I'm going to be late for practice." A low voice booms into the classroom. I look up and lock eyes with Bellamy. He looks surprised but then his eyes shift and land on Jasper and darken. He quickly recollects himself and grabs Octavia who has just said goodbye to Lincoln.

"That was weird" Jasper turns back towards me. I nod in agreement but keep my eyes focused on not dropping my painting. "I think it's because Octavia and I had a thing a while back."

"Oh yes that's probably it" this situation is getting a little too awkward for me so say goodbye to Jasper and head out.


I decide to stop at the market down the street to get some dinner and do some homework. I am about halfway through a Ham and Swiss sandwich when I get the phone call.

"Hey Clarke its Octavia. I need you." I can hear the panic in her voice. I am too frazzled at this point to even ask what happened so I just through everything into my bag and head to pick up Octavia from her house.

Octavia runs down the driveway and her face is red and blotchy with tears.
Before I can say anything, Octavia throws open the door and begins.
"It's his neck Clarke. Neck injuries are bad. What if he dies? I knew he shouldn't be playing football!" Her words come flying out of her mouth and I can hardly understand through her blubbering.

"Woah, woah, woah there. Slow down. Tell me what is going on." I place my hand on her knee as drive towards the hospital.

"It's Bellamy! When he was at football practice after school today, he got talked really hard or something and they had to call the ambulance and it's just awful." She covers her face with her hands and curls up into a ball on the seat.

I awkwardly rub her back whilst trying to drive until we finally arrive at the hospital. A million thoughts rush through my head. Like what if Octavia's right and he is really badly hurt but I have to keep pushing the thoughts away and acting calm to help O.

We arrive at Bellamy's room and all the air is lost from my lungs. He is laying unconscious with a neck brace with quite a few bruises littering his face. Octavia flings her arms around him while pestering the nurse who is checking all of his machines. The nurse confirms that he should be fine. He was tackled and landed in an odd way so they had to bring him in but there isn't any signs of paralyzation. Octavia and I brief simultaneous sighs of relief.

The nurse then leaves the room and the only sound is the beeping of the machines and Bellamy's breathing.

"So... Uh... Is your mom coming?" I ask looking up slightly but Octavia doesn't meet my gaze.

"She can't really make it." Her response is final so I don't further question. The silence ensues and after a while I decide I need to fill it again.

"Hey. He's going to be okay. Alright?" I place my hand on Octavia's knee and she smiles at me in response.

"I'll be back" she stands "I just need to get out of here for a little." At that she heads out into the hallway and now it's just me and Bellamy. I walk over and my hand on his.

"Come on Bell. Please get better." I whisper and a tear falls down my cheek. I know he is unconscious and can't hear me but talking is how I deal with this sense of fear. I reach of gently smooth the hair away from his face. Looking at his calm face in this resting state is so much different then his normal stone hard expression. Before I know what I'm doing, I'm leaning down. I feel like I'm in my artistic state right now, like when you loosen the reigns on your mind and just let your body move free. And now, my lips are on his. Gentle and quick. I pull away and he is still unmoving. My heart sinks a little bit I remember that this isn't some fairy tale where a kiss makes all the bad things go away. But in the small second when my lips were on his, it felt like it might be possible. Hopefully next time though, he will be awake for it.


Ahhhhh so cute! First Bellarke kiss!

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My Best Friends Brother -BellarkeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang