Brak.. I'll kill her

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...... The docotors couldn't believe it..... The 3th shock gave him a reaction. His heartbeat went up. Luckily the doctors had his situation under control. Unfortunately, he is not yet out of danger. Miran lost alot of blood. Unfortunately he is in a coma." If we don't find blood in two hours, I fear the worst" she said
(Sadoglu mansion)
Everybody was scared, but they didn't care about Gül. Gül heared everything they said about Miran. She was so scared and ran to her room. Hazar saw that and went after her." Kizim what happened" she was crying and scared" Baba... is Miranjim in the hospital?.... please tell me the truth. Everybody is lying to me.... who hurt Miranjim?" Hazar didn't knew what to tell her. Ofcourse he couldn't tell her the truth... " Uhmm kizim... Miranjim is a little sick, but he will be better" she was more upset" Is he alone?..... why didn't you go to him,.... where is Ablam?" He tried to tell her something she would believe in. Gul is a very smart girl "Kizim. Your abla is there too. Melike and your mom are there too. There are too much people there..... but when Miran gets better, I will bring you to him" Gül stopped crying " Babajim do you prommise me" He fake smiled " I promisse you my flower" she hugged him but Hazar was scared that something would happen to Miran. He didn't show it because he didn't want to upset Gül." Is he really okay" He fake smiled again " Yesk kizim, did I ever lie to you" Yok babajim
( Hospital)
Reyyan was  sitting in front of the door of Miran's room. Zehra and Melike arrived. Reyyan ran into them. " Annem..... Annem " she cried " Anne I will die without Miran. A couple doctors ran inside and I am very scared" she hugged them. " Kizim, don't thing bad, please calm down" She was so angry" How can I calm down if my everything, my husband, my miran is fighting for his live, because he protected me!" She yelled. Reyyan just collapsed . Melike hugged her and was near her so that she wouldn't harm herself.... Everybody was waiting in a corner for some news about his situation. Zehra walked to Firat. He explained her everything. She couldn't believe what yaren had done. Melike tried to calm Reyyan down " Reyyan... kiz.. Miran is a good person, we both know that.. he will be saved by allah!.... believe me" Reyyan was hopeless" Melike ... this all happened because of me!... If I wasn't in his live, he would never be in this situation... Melike I will die without him" she cried. Melike hugged her and calmed her down

Then the doctor came. Reyyan ran to her " Docter. Please tell me the truth, how is my husband doing?" De doctor put her galsses off." Miss please calm down.... we could save his live. But he needs some blood right nie otherwise it is too late" What do you mean too late?" " Well if we can't find the blood in 2 hours, he could be handicappted or wors." Reyyan nearly passed out when she hear that. " Reyyan kizim are you okay" Yes anne... Doctor I will give him blood, we have the same bloodtype" Firat was scared " Yok Reyyan if Miran knows you gave him blood he will be upset" Reyyan said " Don't worry we won't tell him. " Okay Miss Reyyan, we have to check, just in case if your blood is matching." Okay... but please hurry up.
... They went to the nurse and she checked her blood. Reyyan was scared something would go wrong, even tough she knew they have the same bloodtype........ Reyyan was waiting patiently.... and then the nurse came " Congratulations Miss Reyyan, your blood is matching." She was so happy " çok cukur alla!!! Save my husband please... she laid down on her knees.
The doctors went to the operation room. Reyyan wanted to go with them, but ofcourse she was not allowed. So zehra and Melike were near her to help her. She was a little dissy. " Reyyan kizim sleep a little you didn't sleep, you look tired" Reyyan stood up " Yok annem, I can't sleep.... I will wait before he wakes up. Zehra's heart was broken when she saw her daughter suffering so much. She couldn't handle it.

(Surgery room)
The doctors did their best to save his life. Miran was a strong man they noticed. Reyyan was waiting outside at the door. She was praying all the time. The nurse came out the room.
" Doctor, how is my husband doing?" The doctor told her to wait. " We did what we could,he is still in a coma. Now we have to wait. We are glad we found the same type of blood in a short time. Miss Reyyan your husband is a very strong man."
She had more hope at the moment." I know he is strong, thank you very much". She was smiling. Please doctor can I see him... please I beg you!" The doctor said " Miss Reyyan, he won't hear you because he is in a coma. It is usseles" Reyyan dried her tears " No he will hear me... his heart will. Please" " But aren't you dizzy, you gave him a lot of blood..." " No doctor, pleas I beg you" The doctor was thinking.... " Okay, but only for a short time" Reyyan was so glad that she hugged her" Tessekür ederim.... çok tesekkür ederim"
Reyyan had to change her clothes for the safety.... after she was ready, her mother talked to her " Reyyan kizim, don't be upset. You will see him, he will hear you!... I believe it. If you will see him you will have some hope" Reyyan hugged her mother and walked away" Annem... Teskkür ederim.." For what kizim?" She smiled" For being here.
Reyyan entered his room. Seeing him in this state, broke her heart in more than a thousand peaces. She walked to him and sat on the chair and gave his forehead a kiss...... Then she hold his hand" Canim, my Miran, my everything, my luck" she cried " Please open your eyes... I miss you when they are closed. I miss your icy gaze you give to everyone else... the one that pervades me with fire" she kissed his hand " I can't be without you.... I will die without you. I want to have a family with you, to travel the world with you. I found my luck ... you are my luck. Remember when you lifted me up and wanted to take me out like that?" She laughed " I miss those moments. I love every part of you separately.
Miran please wake up... my wounds can only heal with you, you are the medicine I need. You are the only one I have always loved" Reyyan did her head on the bed and cried...... then his machine gave a peep sound like when Hazar was in the hospital..... "Miran... Canim what happened ... Miran stay with me !!" She ran for help. The doctors came and they send Reyyan out. She pounded her fists on the door.. Miran... what happened My miran" she cried. " I need to go and find Yaren... I will kill her" . She din't even know where she wanted to go....Firat came after her to keep her away, but she kicked with her legs and arms to get loose" Brak... Firat I said ... Brak" I need to find her to kill her. Firat said " Nurse I need a little help!..." The nurse came and give Reyyan some medicine to calm down.

( to be continued:)

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