Staring Back at Me

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I walked into the single-stall girls' bathroom. I needed to speak to Arista. But I heard sobbing coming from the stall and the door was open. I looked inside. It was Autumn. She looked up at me and was on her feet in a flash. "What do you want?", she demands. "Are you here gloat from my defeat? Are you here to rub it in my face about how you beat me?" I shook my head. "No, I came to see if you were okay", I say. She stared at me. "Why would you do that?", she asked. "Why would you care?" I shrugged. "I don't know. I'm just as surprised as you are. But, just because you don't care about anyone else's feelings, doesn't mean I can't care about yours."

Autumn rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. Don't pretend you care about me. Because all you've been doing so far is ruining my life!" She pushes past me. "Autumn, listen.....", I try to say. "NO, LEAVE ME ALONE, NERD!!!", Autumn shouts. "You wanna rule the school so badly, fine! I give up! I have tried everything in my power to bring you down and yet, you and your little ghost always screw things up for me! Well, you can have Angel, you can have my minions, and you can have your title! Just.....leave me alone....."

And with that, she runs out of the bathroom. I watch her leave. 

I did it. 

I won.

After all these years, I've been trying to beat Autumn at her own selfish game, and I did it.

I finally brought her down.

Then why do I feel this nagging feeling that, maybe, it probably wasn't the right thing to do?

Arista zooms out my body. "We did it!", she says. "We finally beat Autumn! You can thank me later." Then she notices the look on my face. "What's wrong?", she asks. "Arista.....", I say slowly. "Did we do the right thing?" She looks at me like I'm crazy. "Duh, of course we did!", she says. "Because now, you got what you always wanted!" I think. "Yeah, always wanted", I say dismissively. "Then, why do I feel so bad?" She shakes her head. "It's just your guilty conscience, ignore it", she says. "Dethroning Autumn was the right thing to do. And you know it." I nod. Maybe she was right. Maybe this was the right thing to do. But some part of me still wasn't sure.....

The next morning.....

I woke up, feeling a little irritated. Autumn may have had a bad day yesterday, but mine wasn't any better than hers. After the assembly, people were giving me looks and asking me questions all day. Before I met Arista, my life was a lot less stressful and complicated than this. Speak of the devil.....

I walked up to Arista's mirror. I gazed at my reflection and said, "Arista" in the mirror. As usual, my reflection morphed into Arista's face and she came out of the mirror. She settled on the ground and I noticed she had something in her hand. "What is that?", I asked. "Cigarettes", Arista replied and lighted one. She blew smoke around. "Want one?", she asked me. "Um, no thanks", I said. "Where did you get that anyway?" She puffed from the cigarette again. "From the kitchen when we came home from school today", she said. "I dunno who left them, but I remember how much I missed smoking when I was alive. It made me think of Charles."

"Charles?", I ask. "My boyfriend. That murdered me", Arista said. "Oh", I said. "Well hurry up", Arista said. "We need to pick out a victory outfit." "Victory outfit?", I repeat. She laughs. "Duh, you won your victory with Autumn, so you might as well rub it in her face." I follow her in my closet. "Um, sure, but is that really necessary?", I ask. Arista groans. "Do you know what your problem is Arielle?", Arista asked me. 

"I have a problem?"

"Yes, and do you know what it is?"


"You're a good person."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"Yes, if you care too much about someone else other than yourself."

"Well, that's just being selfish."

"Naturally. How do you think Autumn clawed her way to the top?"

"Arista, I spent so much time trying to bring Autumn down, and now you want me to be just like her?"

"Exactly! I knew you'd understand."

I shake my head. But my jaw drops when I see the outfit she picks out for me. "Is that a thong?", I asked. She looks at it. "Yeah, so?" Oh boy, here we go all over again. "I'm not wearing that", I say. "Why not?", she demands. "Because I'm not going to a strip club, I'm going to school", I say. "That thing is so high, it shows my bare waists, and it will probably show my bra. I might get sent home to change for wearing something like that." Arista throws the thong down in a huff. "Well, the last time I chose an outfit for you to wear like that, you liked it!" I rolled my eyes. "I didn't like it at all. I wanted to wear something more conservative." Arista looked towards my closet. "Well, why don't you wear a prison jumpsuit instead? I'm sure I can whip one up for you." I glare at her. "Look, I saved your butt at the assembly", Arista says. "So the least you can do is wear this for me." I didn't want to admit it, but Arista was sort of right. She did save me. I groaned.

I decided to give in and wear the stupid strip outfit. Luckily, I was pretty tall, so it didn't show much. And I wore long jeans with it instead of the shorts Arista picked out. She wanted to complain, but I reminded her that I was wearing the top she wanted me to wear. She shrugged it off and continued to smoke in the middle of my room. I got my school stuff and prepared to leave for school. 

"Forgetting something?", Arista said. I turned. She was no longer sitting in the middle of my room. She was sitting in a chair by my dresser, looking in the mirror, puffing endlessly on the cigarette. She looked at me, her eyes dead, her face twisted, her bright pink dress looking a little less bright. I swallowed. "Um, Arista, do you think it might be alright if I go to school by myself?", I asked. "Just.....for one day." Arista blew more smoke, straight-faced. "Just a warning, I won't be able to save you if you get in trouble if you're without me", she said. I forced a smile on my face. "I know, but I should be free from any trouble today", I said.

Especially since I've been in nothing but trouble for the past few months.

Arista shrugged. "Well, if you're sure....." Her voice trails off and she goes back to smoking and looking in the mirror. I got close and I could see that when she looked in the mirror, her reflection was staring right back at her.

I gaped in shock. "I.....I thought you told me ghosts don't have reflections!", I told her. Arista spun around, looking oddly amused. "Well, that rule doesn't necessarily apply to magic ghosts, does it?", she said. I stare at her, remembering a few days after we first met, she told me that ghosts don't have reflections, and she even proved it to me. But I decide not to say anything.

"So, I can go to school by myself today?", I asked, unsure only moments later why I needed to ask Arista if I could go to school on my own. Arista crushed the cigarette in her hand until it was reduced to a pile of ashes. She sprinkled the ashes in the trash can and lit a new one. "Sure, go right ahead, don't let me stop you", she said, puffing on her newly lit cigarette. My lips tightened and I nod slowly, walking to the door. "Oh, and try not to set the house on fire with those while I'm gone", I say, gesturing to the pack of cigarettes she was holding. Arista rolled her eyes. "I smoked plenty of times when I was alive, I think I know what I'm doing", she says. I exhale. "And don't let-"

"Anyone see me", Arista finishes, nodding. "Don't worry, I got it." I smile. "Good", I say. "I'll see you later, after school, okay sis?"

Arista goes back to staring at her reflection. "Okay", she says slowly. "I'll be seeing ya.....sis."

I give her one final look before leaving the room.

Arista's POV

I watch her leave in the reflection of the mirror. As soon as the door shuts, I crush the cigarette in my hand. I admire my reflection in the mirror a little while longer. I hop up from the chair and open the door a tiny crack. I can see Arielle eating breakfast at the table with Judy. I snicker and close the door. Stupid girl. She's so smart, it's such a shame she's so dumb when it comes to the real world. I gaze at my reflection in my mirror, and float inside. My plan is almost complete. Her sponge of a mind will be a minor setback, but I've gotten this far, and I'll see to it that Arielle and I will always be best friends. Always.....

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