Chapter 13 - Saving Her Life

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Friday, the day that everyone is happy to start their weekend. I wore normal clothes for once to school besides their uniform since today was actually a really special day! What day? Well, it's Silvia's birthday! She told me before after we decided to get to know each other more deeply. Sadly, she's never celebrated her birthday because she doesn't like it. Being the kind and loving person I am, I secretly decorated my room for this occasion so she felt relaxed and calm.

"Paulina, when are you going to help carry this upstairs?" Mom asked, me running down to help her lift her desk to her room. "Thank you, Paulina," Mom said, kissing my cheek before giving me my lunch for school. "Love you, Mom!" I shout, running into the bus with my book bag in hand. Bryce, Yanko, and Ridget were here, all three of the boys waving at me happily. I wave back, sitting beside Bryce near the window. "How was your day, Paulina?" Yanko asked me.

"I'm good!" I smile, looking at Ridget for his answer. "How about you, Ridge?" I say, nicknaming him since I haven't before. "I'm good too," Ridget said looking through his phone on random apps. Bryce turned to face me, a look of a long talk coming by. "About yesterday, are you really going to go along with your idea of dating both of us?" Bryce whispered, not wanting the other boys to hear. "Of course! Silvia deserves better, and today is a special day for her as well" I say.

We share an awkward silence, just enjoying the bus ride to school. Once we finally got off the bus, I took out the envelope I had for Silvia and searched for all my made friends to sign it. My idea was to get all my friends to sign it to have Silvia know that other people also care for her. I even got some teachers to sign it too, them saying I had a really pure heart for doing this. I thanked them all for helping me out, and I went to lunch to see if anyone there I missed could help too.

By the time I got my lunch, I sat down and went to sit between Yanko and Ridget. "Hey, Paulina" Ridget greeted, eating his sandwich while looking at me from the corner of his eye. I wave shortly to him, looking over to see what Yanko was doing. Yanko was making origamis, clapping for himself every time he learned something new about the paper folds. "Hi, Yanko!" I cheerfully said. Yanko returned my greet with his own special greet. "Hi, Paulina!!" Yanko happily said.

Yanko had on the side of him a fruit bowl as well as some cookies with a note on it saying "Love you, my little angel. From, Mommy". Aw, how sweet of his mom to make him cookies for lunch today! "Yanko, I haven't asked you to sign this paper, have I?" I ask, showing him the paper that was almost filled with other people's names. He looked closer, searching for his name, not finding it at all. "Nope! I can now if you want," Yanko said taking out a pen he had in his pocket.

Once he finished signing it, I neatly fold it into the envelope and place it back in my bookbag. Yanko noticed I wasn't wearing the school uniform today, and instead was wearing dark pink shorts, a black short sleeve that said "Hooray!", white sneakers, and a white cap on my head. "You look cute today!" Yanko complimented, me blushing a bit, but still smiling. "That's so nice of you, Yanko!" I told him, cuddling him like a little brother. I wish Yanko was my brother now.

Lunchtime finished, and everyone was throwing away their empty tray. Yanko took his time placing every origami he made gently into his bag to avoid making any of the origamis bend. Ridget helped him, taking one for himself  which Yanko allowed. "Why did you make so many of these, Yanko?" Ridget asked, counting everyone that he made. "I got bored, so I challenged myself to make the most origamis in one day" Yanko answered, checking off some checklist.

I peer over his shoulder to see he had a list of different origamis to make within his spare time. "Yanko! How do you have so many ideas for these things?" I asked astonished at his work. Yanko looked up from his clipboard and looked at both Ridget and me. "I searched them up in Technology class, and wrote them down during the last five minutes" Yanko responded, showing a radiant beam of glee from his face. I felt so heart warmed when Yanko smiles.

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