Chapter 16 - Required Assistance

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"Yanko! Ridget! Are you guys here!?" I shout out for the two. Bryce was helping me calm down while Preston and Gibson were searching around for the two boys. Bryce held my hands in a comforting manner, patting the back and saying "Everything will be fine" repeatedly. Preston runs back to us with a huge smile on his face. Bryce gets the idea, and gets up, me following along with his movements. Up ahead we see two silhouettes running back to us holding hands.

"Is that really them? Are my eyes deceiving me!?!" I shout, happy to see the two cuties walking back calmly, Yanko squealing. "Paulina!" Yanko shouted, running up to me and giving a big hug. The rest of the boys gave Ridget and Yanko a hug happy that they were safe. After, the fairies we saw from earlier flew up to us, one of the fairies smacking into Yanko's nose. "Are you alright?" Yanko said resting the poor creature in his hand. "You need to come and see this, it'll impress you!".

We agreed and went our way to wherever the fairies led us since we have nowhere else to go. Up ahead, a fountain came into view, and we all were surrounded by arches of flowers and ponds. Preston was the first to say something along the lines of "Astonishing" while Yanko was running around taking in all the scenery while the fairies chased after him, playing around. Bryce and I walked up to look at the fountain, our reflection showing a crown on our heads.

The reflection of us also looked older as if we were adults. "Yanko, be careful! Most of these bushes have thorns in them!" one of the small critters warned Yanko, but soon enough he pricked his own finger on one rose with thorns in it. "Don't worry, I'm fine! Look!" Yanko said, showing his finger with just a tiny scratch. The fairies either tucked themselves in Yanko's shirt pocket or were sitting on top of his head. As we were all distracted, a sound caught our ears.

"Did you guys hear that?" Ridget asked, Yanko, stopped running around and listened closely. I looked around for whatever the sound was, Bryce did to holding my hand tightly in a protective way. Once our guard dropped, a person came out of the pink and blue fountain and stepped down to stand where we were. "Who are you people?" the female asked us. From the crown on her head, I could tell she was royalty from some other kingdom. "We're friends, don't worry!".

Her weapon was lowered, and she began walking around us, taking in every little detail. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you! I wouldn't dream of it!" she laughed off, picking Bryce and me up from the ground. "Who are you?" I asked, the girl growing a small blush. "Oh, I didn't introduce myself. I am Princess Candy, but most of my friends call me Poky!" Princess Candy greeted. "I'm Paulina, and these are my friends!" I gesture behind me. "I know you guys already" she noted.

"Really? Were you the one who pulled us in?" I asked, the girl nodding. "I summoned you here to help with a little problem that was happening in our kingdom, the Future Kingdom!" Princess Candy informed us. Bryce pulled me to the side to talk about his suspicions. "Do you really think we should help someone who pulled us in unexpectedly?" Bryce questioned, the girl talking to Yanko and Ridget. "She's a young princess who needs our help, us! Of course, I do" I whispered.

"We'll help you! What is it you need?" I asked, everyone else walking to our side to listen to the princess. "Bandits have been stealing our valuables, and we need someone to catch them all" Princess Candy answered. Individually, one by one, we all stood up and nodded. "Lead the way!" Ridget said pointing ahead, and we all traveled to her land. The fountain that was behind us was no longer in sight, and up ahead a city of multicolored lights came into view.

The castle that was supposedly owned by Princess Candy and her family was in the distance. "Ready guys?" Bryce asked the boys. They all agreed, transforming into their hero suits. I stood behind, scouting the land around them. Some people were either trying to fight off the bandits, or they were hiding all their valuables someplace safe, and hidden indoors. Gibson caught two bandits in vines, the two being wrapped up in ropes so they couldn't escape.

Preston set many traps up, a lot of the bandits falling for them immediately, and being wrapped quickly with magic. Yanko distracted five bandits with origamis that he made, them applauding for the trick, and then being tied by Ridget who snuck up behind and finished the deed. Bryce saved an elderly woman from being robbed and caught the leader of the bandits in his hands. All of them were piled up together, and the people who were once in their homes came out.

From everyone, we could hear cheering and applause. Of course, us being heroes we said thank you, received some gifts, and were showered with praise and attention. I run down the hill I was watching from, and regrouped with the boys. But then, a loud horn interrupted us, and all the people of the city were making room for someone. "Oh yeah, my parents were watching the whole thing from the castle" Princess Candy explained, us all preparing for their arrival.

"Thank you all so much for getting rid of those pesky bandits" I suppose the queen thanked us. We all bowed, remembering that they were royalty, and felt kind of embarrassed for not doing so before. "Pick up your heads, we don't bite" the queen laughed off, the king taking his turn to speak. "You're all thanked for your good deed, and wish that you would be safe on your way back home!" the king said, looking at all of our happy faces. We returned the smile warmly.

I look back up at the king and queen, feeling something familiar about the two of them. "I'm sorry, your majesties. What are your names?" I question. "I'm King B, and this is Queen Heart" King B introduced himself and his wife. "Is there a way we could get home from here?" Ridget asked, King B and Queen Heart smiling. "Of course, just behind you," they said, a portal appearing just like the first one we walked into. "Thank you!" Yanko thanked the royal couple.

All the city people waved us off, our group going back in the portal one by one. Just before I left, the queen called my name. "Paulina! A word of advice!" Queen Heart shouted. "Yes?" I ask, turning my head around to listen. "No matter the person, always try to help them out to see a better light," Queen Heart said, King B wrapping his arm around Queen Heart and winking at me. I smile at the two, remembering those words, and walking through the portal.

My eyes were greeted with the familiar surrounding of the Cafeteria in our school. All the people that were once frozen were now moving again like nothing ever happened, and the boys went back to doing their own things. Yanks and Ridget went to their next class, Preston and Gibson went to theirs, and Bryce and I went to ours. A hand was in my view, Bryce being the owner of the hand. "Is there something you would like to say, Bryce?" I questioned the male beside me.

"Care to go to our next class? Bryce asked. I nodded, taking his left hand with my right, both of us walking down the hallway to our next and final class. I felt something in my left hand scrape the palm. I open it up to see three golden pink charms and a note. On the note, it read "Paulina, you'll need these soon. Love, Queen Heart." The charms were in the shape of a droplet, a flame, and a lightning bolt. Stashing them away in my pocket, I continued to walk.

Soon...does that mean something is going to happen here? Or maybe are we going to go back to that other dimension, and encounter something evil there? Either way, I was happy to get out of there and be back in my real home with my friends and Bryce. The shapes of those charms were something that made me think deeply though. A droplet, flame, and lightning bolt? Does that mean I could use three other powers like Bryce, Ridget, and Yanko? I wasn't sure yet...

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