Chapter 3

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Kuro's pov

 week 1

I trained at the beach, I don't remember what the name of it was, but that's irrelevant.
I trained for months, and since before my parents well you know, left; I did hand to hand combat training so I was pretty well built. My goal was to clear one side of the beach. I saw Midoriya a few times, but we were training on opposite sides of the beach, so I didn't get to really see him. I could of swear-en that i saw him with all might, but I knew it was just my god damn eyes were playing tricks on me.  

week 2

I already got about a quarter of the beach clear because I was using my quirk for some of it. My quirk doesn't really have any drawbacks, plus I can take down this stupid thing thats on my eyes;  I just choose not to, because I everybody already thinks I'm weird and I don't need them judging me because I have these weird fucking eyes. I have black eyes with a red cat like slit in them with to thin lines next to them.( - | - )

month 2

I almost have the entire beach clean, so I brought down some exercise equipment, like weights and stuff. So I spent most of my time on those, and the rest of the time I was either running around the beach, or cleaning it. I ran about 15 miles a week, 3 miles a day, and in the week end I spent every second on the beach which ended up being 15 miles of running. The rest of the time I was cleaning.

Month 5
I finished cleaning my side of the beach and went over to help Midoriya, because it looked like he was struggling; but his  mentor (?) just said no and that he needed the training, so I just went back to my equipment and started working out.

Time skip!

The exams came up quicker than I thought it would, I guess time flies when your having "fun". I found myself outside the gates of UA, kicking up the skateboard I came here on and walking forward without much hesitation an-
" Ugh watch it! "
Oh must of bumped into somebody,
"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going."
"But you didn't have to be such an Asshole about it."
I snapped at him and finally looked up seeing a blonde with blue eyes, ugh fucking pretty boy.
"Well your the one who bumped into me!"
" Sorry, asshole. "
I muttered the last part not wanting to start a fight like I did with
"Tsk, whatever"
I walk away to the school and see a certain pretty boi following me.

I skipped the part with present mic, your welcome.

I look at my card one more time before walking to the section I was put in.


Agh! That must mean the tests starting!
I started running, and then present mic shouted-

Midoriya's pov
(He didn't go to the fight.)

I'm already behind ahhhhh! Oh no how is Kuro-chan  so far ahead!? Well I guess I haven't seen her quirk because I didn't want to watch my childhood friends fight, so I didn't get the chance.

Third person

Kuro started running to a nearby building and went into the alleyway right next to it, and she ran into 3 three pointers, she jumped onto one of there backs and it instantly crumbled beneath her. She jumped onto the wall and flipped, but unfortunately she tripped and the robots didn't hesitant to jump at her. But she went with it she pretended to be unconscious and the robots came closer and closer into her trap, Inc Ethen were close enough, she jumped back to life! Once her skin made contact with the medal she switched on her quirk and they crumbled. Soon she was at 105 points and she stopped counting.

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