Chapter 3

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Trevor POV

Trevor POV

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I walked in the direction where the old speaker's grandchild went to get to the catacombs and seen an old broken down church

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I walked in the direction where the old speaker's grandchild went to get to the catacombs and seen an old broken down church. The wind was blowing and the fog was coming in making it look eerie and dangerous. I walk into the building there were creaking boards in some places. The walls were covered with gargoyles and angels, but I see three windows carved into the wall but one of the windows had a hole that is not noticeable unless your paying close attention, so I decided to climb into the hole "Hmm. Ah. Hmm." I seen an old torch, but I smell something so I picked up the torch and sniffed the rag wrapped on the top "Fresh oil." I took my knife and hit it against the wall and the sparks landed on the torch and it lit on fire "Anybody home?" I looked around and noticed a pipe and knocked on it and it made a echo 'clank' "Warm. That's weird." I heard something but I couldn't make it out, so I grabbed my short sword and prepared to strike "I can hear you. I'm armed, and a lot less happy than you are... so you want to stay well out of my way." I walked down the stairs and when I got down the last step and the floor collapsed "Whoa! Oh! Ha! Reflexes like a cat." but I landed on the ground on my feet, but the second floor collasped too "Oh!" I laid there thinking of my life choices, but then I got up "Unh! Oh." I walk with some pain, but I shook it off. I looked up and seen what looked like technology that Dracula would have and it flipped on lighting the whole room I seen broken statues, but I walked in front of a statue not broken like the rest "Either someone left a statue of a Speaker down here, or..." I got shocked that a heavy foot steps make its way into the room and a figure almost as tall as the room, its steps shake the room to where it makes the lights go out. It walks close to me, but not close enough, it bends down a little and it opens it eye all the way open "Cyclops!" and its eye shoots at me and I figured out what kind of cyclops it is "Stone-eye cyclops. Right out of the family bestiary. God shits in my dinner once again." I hide behind from pillar to pillar but it grabbs me and throws me to where I crash into one of the lights "Oopf!" I grunt in pain, I jumped behind a pillar and took my sword and threw it and hit it in the chest "Come on. Come on! You're dead! Stop and notice you're dead." but it doesn't notice and it shoots at me again and I hide behind the pillar again "Ugh! Bastard."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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