5. Kiss the Cook

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Skylar's POV:

I woke up with a start and checked the time on my phone. It was four o'clock in the morning, and it was the third time I had woken up in an hour. I finally accepted that it was too cold of a winter night to be comfortable, so I wouldn't be getting anymore sleep, and rolled out of bed to get ready. I put on some clothes, fixed my hair, and walked into the kitchen to grab some food. I made myself some cereal and sat on the counter to eat it.

"Couldn't sleep either?" A voice asked suddenly from the darkness of the hallway. I was so startled by it that I nearly dropped the bowl I was holding.

"No," I said in response. "But could you maybe step out from the darkness so I can see who scared me?"

As soon as I finished talking, the voice stepped into the light of the kitchen, revealing it to be Jack. He smiled at me apologetically and then joined me on the counter. We stayed in silence for a bit while I finished my cereal and Jack made some for himself. I was about to get off the counter to go back to my room when Jack finally broke the silence.

"I mean, if we are both up," he started, "and know that we aren't going back to sleep, why don't we do something?'

"Like what?' I asked, genuinely curious.

"What if we made breakfast for Adam and Ryan?"

"Umm, are you sure? I mean, you are literally talking to a professional water-burner. There is a higher chance of me burning the kitchen down than there is of Ryan losing his glasses, and he does that every other day."

Jack stifled a laugh at my comment, trying to avoid waking up our older brothers, but seemed sincere in his suggestion.

"C'mon," he whined. "it'll be fun! I promise."

"ooooookaaaayy...." I sighed as I slid off of the counter. "What are we making?"

"I didn't think of that part yet. I honestly was expecting you to say no, even after my amazing persuasion skills."

"You are such a dork, Jack, you know that?"

Jack smiled at me, and stuck a pose that can only be described as resembling a drunk runway model. I once again stifled a laugh at my older brother, cursing the universe for making everything 50 times funnier at ungodly hours in the morning.

"OK enough funny business," I began in a mockingly serious tone, "we need to think of something to make for Ryan and Adam, and soon. They both normally get up at 6:00, and it's already 4:30, so we only have an hour and a half to get make everything and set it up for them."

"Relax Sky," Jack replied, "I've seen every cooking/baking competition there is, I know how to work under pressure."

"Ok 'Mr. Top Chef' let's get started. I say we go nice and traditional, waffles with fruit and OJ. Thoughts?"

"Perfect idea Sky! It gives us an excuse to get the extra fruit out of the fridge, plus, we can use the oranges that Ryan decided to buy to make the OJ."

We decided that it would be best if Jack made the waffles so I didn't burn the apartment building down, so I turned to the fridge and pulled out all of the fruit we had in the refrigerator. Next I went to the silverware drawer and pulled out a knife to cut up what I had chosen to put into a makeshift fruit salad for Ry and Adam. When I was done with that I began taking the bag of oranges that Ryan had got and began to make orange juice.

"Hey Jack?" I asked as I took a break, "why did Ry get these oranges?"

Jack turned to me with a smile and put his hands over his face to make glasses.

"They were on sale and they looked good soIdecidedtogetthemJackdontquestionme." He said in a near perfect impression of Ryan.

"Haha! I see now. Well it worked out! Now we have some sweet homemade orange juice, which I should probably get back to now." I laughed as I turned back to where I was working.

When we had finally finished cooking, it was 5:45, 15 minutes before Adam and Ryan would be waking up.

Jack had an amazing idea, and wrote out a note for both of them that read, "if you don't have clothing on... turn around and put some on.. then go straight to the living room." I decided the notes needed a bit more high stakes to them, so I added, "Failure to comply will result in instant death (just kidding.. but pls just get dressed and go to the living room)"

We put the notes outside of each of their doors, set up a table with what we make for our older brothers, and then waited for their alarm ms to go off.

Eventually, we heard noise come from both rooms followed by doors opening.

"What the?" A voice said down the hall.

"Living room?" Said another.

Jack and I waited patiently for Adam and Ryan to put clothing on and enter the living room. Unsurprisingly, Adam came out first. His hair was a mess and was obviously still half asleep but he made his way to the living room. Ryan came out next, glasses missing, but seemingly more awake than Adam.

Once they reached the living room, I flipped on the lights to reveal what jack and I prepared.

"Surprise!" We said in unison.

"We couldn't sleep so we made breakfast!" I started.

"Hope you like it!" Jack replied.

"Aww thanks guys!" Ryan said.

"This looks surprisingly good for a 14 year old and a 23 year old who have cooked a collective five times," Adam said jokingly (I hope). "How long have you guys been up?"

"A while" I replied, "but let me just say, eating cereal while sitting on that counter at 4am hits different man."

That comment got a collective laugh from my brothers with an agreeing nod from Jack.

After Adam and Ryan finished, I took their plates to the sink to wash them later. The boys had a press thing to go to, leaving me alone in the apartment for the day. We said our goodbyes, and I began the long process of cleaning up the disaster Jack and I left in the kitchen. I am happy to report that nothing was broken in the process of doing so.
Ahhhhh! It's been so freaking long since I updated this! I had SUCH bad writers block with this one and lost all motivation to write for a good two weeks. But I'm back! Idk if anyone even reads these little notes down at the end.. but if you do.. comment how ur day is going! I'll try my best to reply! Let's get a conversation going! Also comment if you have any ideas! Byeeeee!

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