1- Introductions

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Carli Weinstein's POV


Here I am, once again, just taking the punches of Blake Debou. He's the captain of the football team and the most popular boy in the whole entire school. He flirts with all the girls and after he's done with them he always then leaves them hanging in the end. He's a total show off, and the biggest jerk that lives in Oceanside.

His name tastes like poison on my tongue.

Every single day from the first moment I wake up and then until the moment that I get home I'm forced to deal with Blake and his meathead friends.

So now here I am laying on the ground taking yet again another hit from Aaron, Aaron is Blake's best friend and he's also on the football team, he's the co-captain of the football team. He's the dumbest boy in school. He's the boy version of Karen in Mean girls. Without the plastic boobs and cheap makeup.

"You'd be hotter if you wore some tighter clothes." Aaron said with a cheeky grin and amusement in his eyes til he yet again laid a punch on me.

Now another thing you should know about my bullies.

Yes, they're super hott.

The problem about that is that their complete a**holes.

It's not just about good looks and how much you can persuade a girl to like you, but in this town that's about the only thing it's about.

They flirt with almost every girl in school and have probably kissed most of them.

The only girl they haven't gotten to her knees for them is me. I'm not talking about getting on my knees for them the dirty type of thing well, I guess that too, but I'm talking about begging them to just at least spare me a glance. Which is the exact opposite that I do.

I guess they see me as some sort of toy or prize if they get me to sleep with them and I guess they know that and that's why they continue to make my life a living hell cause I chose to not give them what they want. Do they really expect for me to simply fall on my knees for them after how much pain they've put me through.

I hate them with my full heart. Even while they are punching me, they still try to flirt with me and expect me to actually flirt back. Like it really must say dumb f**king whore on my forehead. I swear they're completely insane. The bad thing though is everyone sees past that and just notices their good looks and flirty charms.

The boys want to be them and the girls want to be with them and that leads to the third boy which I'm honestly quite shocked he's even friends with Blake and Aaron. His name is Nick. Nick is also on the football team which you've probably already guessed by now. Seeing as all the jerks of Oceanside high are on the football team. It's basic and cliche, trust me, I know, but that's just how it is here at Oceanside. Nick is also on the honor roll and President of our class which is surprising since he's friends with people like Blake and Aaron.

I often like to call Nick by his full name, Nickolas because it really bothers him and I do it when he's pissing me off, which is most of the time. Even though I'm bullied I try to stand up for myself here and there, but I'm like a rose that continues to crumble.


All of a sudden, I'm brought out of my inner thoughts and face to face with big blue ocean eyes. I know these eyes. They are Blake Debou's eyes.

"Hey, you good?" Blake said, seeming concerned.

"When did you start to care?" I retorted back in a sassy manner and whispered under my breath "It's not like you continuously hurt me everyday."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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