Part 2: Catching Up

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Shane Gray stepped out of the passenger side of his 2018 Toyota Prius XLE while Big Rob (Shane Gray's bodyguard and friend) pulled the car to the parking area and began to take out all of Shane Gray's bags. 

Mitchie ran up to Shane Gray and jumped into his arms while she shouted "Shane Gray!"

Shane Gray barely caught her because he was so tired from the long car ride, but also because his eyes were focused on the two hunks that he had never seen at Camp Rock before. He caught the eye of the blonde boy who smirked at him lightly.

As Mitchie continued to hug Shane Gray, he tried to shift his focus back to her and asked, "So what have you been up to?"

"Ya know, just rehab," Mitchie said as she began to giggle with a gaping grin while crossing her legs and looking up at Shane Gray longingly. 

Shane Gray laughed along and said, "Oh yeah, heroin lol!" But Shane Gray could not keep his focus solely on Mitchie. His eyes kept shifting to the two prime cuts of meat that were standing across from him.

"Hey, uh, let me get back to you in a second," Shane Gray told Mitchie as he rushed away, not allowing room for Mitchie to reply.

Mitchie began to feel something deep within her soul. She saw the way that Shane Gray looked at Aaron and Jo, even if it was only a glance, she could tell that he looked at those two Camp Rock newbies with more passion and lust than he ever looked at her with.

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