The Voice in the Sword

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She speaks to only one

The spirit of the blade

All others she does shun

For she cannot be swayed

The Goddess Blade speaks to just one ear

Who speaks few words but holds each dear

It felt like falling.

There seemed to be a great deal of light, swirling and tumbling all around him, in beams and ribbons, constantly twirling. Darkness was laced around within it too, but it was overpowered by the light, refracting off everything and nothing, shooting through it all and cutting away the darkness. It was all a swirling nonsense, a chaotic kaleidoscope of light and color and weightlessness which he had difficulty understanding or focusing.

Maybe it felt more like floating.

Whatever direction he was going, he was moving, and that he could feel for certain. Why he was moving was a completely different question, one which he did not know the answer to. It almost felt like travelling with the Sheikah Slate, but without all the terrible blue light that accompanied that means of movement. This was just as disconcerting, though, just as confusing and seemingly endless.

What had he been doing before this started? Where was he? Why was it so bright? It was so disorienting it was nearly nauseating, so fast and bright he could hardly think straight. He struggled to gain his bearings for what felt like several seconds but could have been much longer. He had no way of telling. And still, the light and movement did not stop.

"Must we always do things this way, Master?"

Just as suddenly as it had begun, it ended, and he found himself landing hard on his feet, somewhere blurry and bright. Thankfully, he regained his footing quickly, though he had no idea where he was. Frowning, he glanced around, trying to find the source of the strange voice he had just heard.

Like his dreams, when he could briefly speak to Revali, this place was nondescript and ill defined, to the point where he had difficulty picking out any distinguishable features about it. It was large, about the size of the Temple of Time's interior, with blurry walls and flooring. Where his dreams only held dark fog, this place almost seemed to be made of light itself, white-yellow and blinding. It was so bright it was nearly painful to look at. The same bright light shown down from somewhere far above him, permeating through the walls and even the ground on which he stood.

The air was calmer than his dreams as well, a bit of a breeze blowing from somewhere, but not anywhere near the howling wind of wherever he spoke to Revali. If he listened hard enough, he thought he might have been able to make out music, but what it was being played on or where it came from, he had no idea. He looked about curiously, surprisingly calm for finding himself somewhere he had never been before, and hearing voices he did not recognize.

But there was no one here. No person to connect to the voice he had heard.

A musical sort of ringing sound chimed from somewhere behind him, and he spun around just in time to see someone appear as if from air.

It was...a girl. At least, he thought so, though she looked nothing like any other girl he had seen.

For starters, she was floating, hovering a few feet in the air and looking down at him calmly, with something close to amusement. She almost looked like she was carved from some kind of gemstone. Her whole body was the same shade of bright blue, shining in the light of the room. Her clothes were also strange. She wore some kind of two-toned cloak, one half of it the same blue as the rest of her body, the other half a deep purple. It covered her arms completely and clasped together on her chest by a large, yellow, diamond shaped gem. The fabric seemed to flow unnaturally around her, swaying in the slight breeze and with every move she made as she hovered in the air.

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