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shinsuke doesn't always bring this one particular gray ombre notebook he owns that was filled with his half messy (if he's feeling down) and half neat (if he's feeling motivated) handwriting to school or to any public places.

he doesn't always bring it to avoid losing it, but today, he just did.

no one was supposed to see and take a peak inside of that notebook, no one was supposed to know whatever was written on it besides himself, it was like his safe haven, scattered letters around the pages are all the possibilities he could think of, his secrets, poems, short stories, and even sometimes how his day goes. since he have no one to talk to, he just writes them down.

and right now, there's atleast one person (or more) who's currently reading through his words.

he has been rummaging through his practically empty black jansport bag for atleast 30 minutes, like suddenly it would appear if he keeps looking for it, he went to to check the box under his desk where he keeps his older ones, maybe he was just dreaming that he brought it earlier. there's only five though, and he has six.

you see, shinsuke has started writing ever since he learned how to do it, he started writing on the recent one he got (and lost) just a of couple months ago, and there's only seven to eight pages left, so whoever have it in their hands right now, if they care or if they're nosy enough, they would go through all of it, and to add salt to shinsuke's wounds, he happens to write a detailed description of the person he likes in there, and to add more salt, he might've had put pronouns. (though not gonna lie he writes about that person on every notebook he got) but don't worry, he isn't dumb and didn't put any names.

the good thing is, instead of putting his name on it -so people wouldn't directly know it's his- he wrote his number at the back incase something might happen, which according to his situation right now, there is.

shinsuke doesn't even know if he lost it on the pavements or school halls he ran by earlier, he was in a hurry and didn't even noticed his bag was open, he did lost other things like his notes that wasn't attached to his school notebook, he was going to re-write them and make it all aesthetically pleasing to his eyes, but right now he doesn't even care about those anymore.

and shinsuke didn't even bother to look for it as he just found out it was gone two hours later when he got home.

so if the person who have it is nice enough to contact him and return it to him, that would be a relief for shinsuke, but if the person happens to be an asshole at school, he would definitely want to leave the earth.

shinsuke groaned in frustration but still in denial that he lost it, he laid down in his bed, there goes his secrets, out to some people in just a blink of an eye.

to help shinsuke's situation, he was about to fall into a nap when his phone buzzed underneath his blanket, ofcourse, he wasn't expecting someone to text him, (he doesn't have friends, his contacts are basically just his mom and dad and other relatives that he never even had conversations with.) except for the person who decided to have mercy on him. he smiled despite that this person might've been reading through his notebook as they texted, but he doesn't care about that besides the fact that he's going to have his precious notebook again.

(19:37) unknown number:
hey whoever you are. i got your notebook, meet me at this cafe tomorrow around 4. i'll message you again what i'm wearing then.

a sigh of relief left shinsuke's mouth, he guessed that he didn't dropped it at school ground, he was glad it wasn't someone from school so he doesn't have to deal with them bugging him or worse bully him about it, because most person his age would let their curious minds eat them and check what's inside.

he quickly replied with a 'thank you' and apologized for bothering their time to which he got a reply that it was all good.

shinsuke finally let the sleep take over him.

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