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shinsuke finds himself walking to the same cafe where he had met up with rintarou, a week later after school.

about school, nothing much has changed, except he doesn't see rintarou walking around anymore or exchange looks (sometimes with smiles) in the boy's bathroom with him. that may have been the reason why he started liking him.

he doesn't get the feeling, shinsuke doesn't normally go out by himself, not that he has friends to go out with in the first place, but right now after having a hard time thinking, he decided to go and get bubble milk tea. he hates the idea of being alone in public, people judges, not that he knows but that's what he thinks.

he's a bit embarrassed of himself, though, he's about to buy the same drink rintarou treated him, but he felt like he's getting it for other reasons like he's now fond of the drink just because the person he likes bought it for him one time, but no, it is his favorite drink way before that.

as he pushes the door open he once held a week earlier, because apparently that was his first time in the café, he looks around, the people are as the same amount as last time, he stood on the line, there wasn't much people ordering.

"a large bubble milk tea, please." his voice was dry that he had to cleared his throat, he really hasn't spoken the whole day, only when his english teacher asked him to read something from their lecture and that was hours ago.

"so you do like bubble milk tea, though i was expecting you'd get your favorite." shinsuke was startled hearing the familiar voice. he was busy taking his money from his wallet that he didn't realized who was the boy behind the register, rintarou smirked, tapping away and doing his thing. shinsuke didn't know the he would work here.

"it is my favorite drink." shinsuke mumbled.

"yeah? you should've told me it was, i was worried you're one of the few people who doesn't drink milk teas." rintarou fakes pout, and boy was he adorable. is he doing that on purpose? shinsuke may have stared longer than he should. and worried? he's worried just because shinsuke might no like the drink? to say that shinsuke was barely breathing right now woulf be an understatement. "well, that'll be 250 yen. as much as i'd like to treat you again, i'm currently working. i'll do that next time." rintarou said, snapping him out of his gaze, he quickly handed the exact amount of money.

"i should be the one treating you for the 'next time'." shinsuke said.

"is it a date then, kita-san?" shinsuke's eyes widened at the statement, he felt his face getting hotter and he's aire he looks like a tomato right now. before he can say anything though, the person behind him cleared their throat.

"you can sit at one of the tables, i'll deliver your drink to you." rintarou smiled, shinsuke quickly moves away, he was glad there was only kne person behind him or he'd never come back here again.

this shouldn't be happening really, shinsuke doesn't know why his life is turning a 360 slowly all of a sudden.

[suna: kita-san. you remembered your promise right 6:15 PM]

no, kita didn't promised him anything, but who was he to ponder and not reply right away?

[ofcourse, are you finally free? 6:16 PM]

that sounded like he has been waiting. he was. but he didn't have to admit to that.

[suna: my work ends at 7 is it still okay for you to go out with me this late? 6:18 PM]

go out with me. shinsuke doesn't know what's with suna rintarou making it feel like they're going on a real date. but he's not complaing. he's really not going to.

[ofcourse. 6:18 PM]

[suna: then, ill see you, text me wherever you wanna go 6:19 PM]

shinsuke stopped thinking of the impossible things years ago, so he never expected to be friends with someone, not now that he's less than a year to college, never expected it to be the person he liked, never expected to be out at night eating in a restaurant that is not with his mother. shinsuke felt bad for himself for just getting to experience this kind of thing at eighteen, he's going to treasure this moment as it might as well be the only time, he hates to think about how rintarou has done this plenty of times with different friends, but it's just a fact that him and rintarou will never be the same.

"suna, i thought i told you that i'd pay this time."

"what? it's fine, we got our paycheck today and the boss gave out extras. she's real nice."

"doesn't mean you have to pay, keep it, you work hard for it." shinsuke stood up, going to the counter to pay before rintarou could. but slender fingers grabbed him by the elbow before he can move further.

"kita-san, honestly, it's okay, i wouldn't do it if i don't like it and you know that."

"atleast, can i treat you to some dessert?"


"we're here." shinsuke stops in front of his house. it was completely dark by now, save for the lights on their front door and the shining moonlight. "you didn't have to walk me home, we could've just go our separate ways like last time."

"i'm not leaving you to go home by yourself this late at night." rintarou said, admiring shinsuke's place.

"i'm older than you." shinsuke let out a small laugh.

"yes. but i always felt like i had to protect you." this time rintarou was looking intently at shinsuke.


shinsuke was stunned, he doesn't know what to say, he normally doesn't know what to say in front of this beautiful boy who's face was glowing like the moon above them, and to receive a confession like that, what was he supposed to say?

"sorry, that might've weirded you out." he breaks away his gaze, it was dark and the blush on his face wasn't noticeable to shinsuke. "please go inside now so i'm sure you're safe."

well, he didn't really have to say anything to rintarou's confession right now.

"good night, then. take care on your way home, suna." shinsuke turnes on his heel towards their main door. completely hiding his smile from rintarou.

"good night, kita-san. i'll see you later." shinsuke was already inside to notice that rintarou's smiling too.


this update was brought to you by the serotonin boost i got bc we'd finally get to see kita-san in the next episode for more than just a sec!!

sorry for any mistakes, im not pro at speaking english and if i keep re-reading imight end up deleting lol

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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