Chapter 1

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4 Years Later

"Avi, I dont think this is a good idea..." Scott said as his best friend dragged him to the Grassi Mansion. He gulped as he looked up at the looming building, dark and despairing as if it was leering at their ignorance.

"We have to. It's a dare, and Avi Kaplan doesn't back down on a dare," Avi said, smirking back at him. His emerald eyes sparkled with mischief and excitement. "You know the legend. I want to be the first to discover the truth." Scott sighed in exasperation.

"Okay, but did you have to bring Kirstie and Kev?" He asked, motioning to the people behind him. "You know we can hear you, right?" Kirstie said sassily, rolling her eyes and flicking her dyed black hair back.

"You know the legend. He only comes out if theres four people, like his family," Avi said in a 'duh' tone, scoffing. Scott sighed, knowing he's fighting a losing battle. "Avi, were 23, 27, and 28. We're too old to do this."

"So? If we discover the truth, we'll get some big bucks," Avi sighed dreamily, and Scott was postive he could see dollar signs in his eyes. He groaned, facepalming.

"Okay, I'm a bit in the dark, and no racist jokes please, but what's the legend?" Kevin asked, crossing his arms as they walked uphill, looking around nervously. Avi chuckled lowly, rubbing his hands together.

"The legend is the Grassi family was well-respected in this town. They were the picture perfect family. But there was a black sheep: the youngest, Mitch. Everyone said he was dog-gone crazy, telling rumors that his dad was cheating on his wife, his sister had possession illegal drugs, and his mother was an alcoholic in the making. No one believed him. Then one day he snapped. He killed his family and said his mother did. He got off without any charges. Now they say he lives in the house, killing whoever goes inside seeking the truth," Avi explained, saying the last pat in an exaggerated spooky voice.

"Oh, shut up Avi," Scott said, slapping his arm. "You're gonna scare him. Mitch is clinically insane," Scott explained to Kevin. "Thats why he didn't get let off. They pitied him and let him stay in the house. He's actually only a year younger than me, if I did my math right. He was only 18 when it happened." Kevin and Kirstie nodded, gulping quietly.

"Well...thats reassuring," Kevin muttered, running a hand across his forehead. "The legend also said that he spares one person he likes, symbolizing his living while the other three family members died. The other people meet the same fate. Stabbing, sliting, and shooting. The three s'," Avi said, turning back and walking up. "Come on! We're getting closer."

Scott sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Oh dear. How do I have a feeling this isn't going to end well?" He ran after his friend, Kirstie and Kevin following behind.

"There it is, boys and girl. Grassi's mansion," Avi said, gesturing grandly towards the building. They all looked up at the house, taking a deep breath. "If I die, I'm coming back to haunt you," Kirstie grumbled to her boyfriend, crossing her arms and cocking her hip. "Psh. We arent going to die!" Avi said, ruffling her hair. "It's all a legend."

Scott sighed, facepalming. "I think that its a given that if we all die except you, we're going to haunt you so hard you'll be just as crazy as Mitch." Avi rolled his eyes and started up the steps. When he got to the last step he called, "You guys coming or what?"

Scott shared looks with Kevin and Kirstie. "Well be fine. It's a myth," he reassured them, smiling. They took a deep breath and started following Avi, Scott behind them. He was certain as he walked through the doors that he could feel eyes upon his back, watching his every move.

"Welcome to Grassi's, where spooks are a given and Grassi's are ghosts!" Avi said, his voice echoing in the old home. It was very well kept. There was no dust and cobwebs in the house. It looked very homey. "This does not look like a house that contains a psychopath," Kirstie muttered, looking around nervously. "That makes it even spookier!" Avi said excitedly, grabbing a flashlight out of his bag.

"Really? This place looks like it contains elves," Scott said, patting a couch. Something red caught the corner of his eye and he peered over. Scott's eyes widened and he gasped. "Guys...come look at this."

They all rushed over to where Scott was and stared wide-eyed at the floor. Bloodstains covered the carpet, three human outlines all sprawled together.

"Well," Avi said after a bit. "Looks like we found the crime scene."

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