Part 6 - The Lift

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Sorry if Theres Any Minor Mistakes, Havent Had Time To Proof Read It. 

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Part 6

Thankfully the session started. Imarni arrived soon after, she smiled and winked at me when she recognised Tashan. When we was alone I explained our conversation.

"Sounds like James saw you two and got a bit jealous."

"Yeah think so, but I don't know why... I thought he had got over liking me...” I just sighed.

Apart from the awkward morning the day went pretty good. I met loads of people and so far no one seemed bitchy or irritating. We found out who our tutors and teachers would be. They gave us our forms groups, home rooms and gave us time to explore the college. It was perfect, big, spacious ect...

Then the worst thing possible happened. It was the end of the day and I couldn’t be bothered to take the stairs all the way back down to the entrance were James and Imarni were waiting for me. So I took the lift....

I stepped inside and pressed Ground floor. It was quite a posh lift with mirrors so I put on my Vaseline. Then it stopped I couldn't have reach ground floor yet. The doors open and he walked in. I avoided eye contact. How predictable. I watched the numbers go down like it interested me. Suddenly the light flickered, the lift jolted the stopped. I stumble but he held my arm to stop me from falling.

"Thanks." I was so embarrassed. Why would the lift have get stuck now?? Great.

He pressed the alarm, and after a while someone spoke through the speaker to him explaining they’ve called the fire brigade.

"Don't worry, they should come soon."

I just stayed quiet, I didn't know what to say and I really didn't want to make a fool of myself. Then from nowhere he made conversation, amen.

"So, what do you think your boyfriend would say ey? Us together stuck in a lift."

 I thought about my answer carefully before saying it. "Well I don’t know because I don't have one, but if you’re talking about James, My Friend, then when I get out of here I hope for his sake he doesn't say anything. Because I won't be in the mood." I made sure I emphasised on the words my friend.

He laughed lightly "So he's not your man?"


"Oh." He sounded slightly happier. Then he went quiet for a while. I just watched him..

"I still don't know your name."

"I still don't understand why you would want to know?"

"Because you’re a beautiful girl.."

I laughed I couldn't help it, this boy was good, a very good charmer but I was giving in yet.

"Hmm, thanks.. I'll tell you when its necessary."

He didn't ask again, instead I changed the conversation to school and area. He explained how he used to live in south London but he moved down here about 4 years ago. His school was only 2 bus stops away from mine. I don't get how I've never seen him. He made couple jokes and I was in stitches. He had such a good personality. Wow he was a rare one. Finally the fire brigade came and we got out. I was angry. My belly was all rumbling I needed to hit Kfc quick.

I felt so embarrassed when me and Tashan walked out the building and Imarni and James weren't there. Some great friends they were.

"You know what I'm hungry, I'm going Kfc. See ya."

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