Chapter 2

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    Growing up, I was bullied a lot. All the popular kids told me to, "Eat pants you boomer normie XD". To this day I still have no idea what they meant. But they no longer matter! Anyway, my parents were very toxic people. They were both druggies and long time alcoholics. Do to the countless amount of rancid things flowing through their system, they weren't really the nicest people. I was abused a lot at my old home. Verbally and most of the time physically. Most if not all the scars are still present. Needless to say I got the short end of the stick on that one.

    I had many siblings, but they were never abused like I was. They all got allowances and never had to clean up after themselves. They were the textbook definition of spoiled. And you might be wondering, "Who did all of their cleaning if they didn't?". Well it was me. While everyone else was having fun and going out, I had to stay indoors all day, everyday. I would have KILLED to be able to leave my house. Sit in the grass, go to the mall, make new friends. Those spoiled BRATS took EVERYTHING for granted. I'll make them pay-

    My Mother and Father were named Greg and Malinda Scott. My 14 Siblings were, Shelly, Julie, Kimberly, Ashley, Ruby, Lori, Kia, Jackson, Zack, Jenson, Elmer, Dewey, Simon, and Maximilian. I hated all of them, and especially Maximilian. I mean who the FUCK names their kid that? I'll tell you who. My dumb, drunk, stupid, lazy, Ninnehamered Asshats of parents. 

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