✪Fly For Your Life

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"No way! No, no, no!"

"Ah c'mon Kurt why not?"

"/Why/? Look I've looked up this... C.I.A and they are a government officiated secret agency. I mean they probably kill people!"

"Not... all of them... I'm sure some they just lock up for... ever..."

"No. Sorry guys you can do it but I'm not gonna be involved in it this time. Pretty sure I made that clear in the county jail."

Shawn took a minute to think as he stood back and watched Kurt and Jimmy go back and forth about the plan. As he listened to them he was starting to second guess himself and his decision. He spoke out on a whim and didn't spend any time thinking it over. But Jimmy's words got to him. It was stupid but those words grated at Shawn's nerves.

He didn't realize how obvious it was that everything he was doing was an act. He had been acting brave ever since Layla had left and looking back on it, he acted before she left too. Maybe he was a joke and just pretending. Shawn wasn't really sure. Jimmy was known for saying crazy things that made no sense. Despite how smart he was, whenever Jimmy spoke it sounded like a complete imbecile.

On the other hand, this time he was making some sense to Shawn. He listened to him explain everything about this agency to Kurt. In all honesty, it sounded insane and even really dangerous. Sure Jimmy was drafted but he never even stepped foot into combat. Neither Shawn nor Kurt had been anywhere near anything remotely dangerous. Perhaps that was it. The sheltered life was starting to drain Shawn out and he was craving that sense of adventure. Just like when he was a kid.
He wanted that thrill.

"Jimmy. Lay off the boy alright? If he wants us to go off out there in the dangerous world. Going on death-defyin' missions all on our own. Let'm. I just hope he'll never forget us if we go out there an' never return."

"What?! No! That isn't what I... you can't... oh fine!"

Shawn smiled and went over to Kurt. Patting his shoulder before draping his whole arm around his neck and shoulders.

"Now then. We're off to resign our positions an' we'll meet ya back here first thing in the mornin'. Sound like a plan to you James?"

"Indeed Shawnie. You'll do fine Kurt I promise."

Shawn removed his arm and the two went off back into the city. As they walked the streets Shawn's mind began to wander again. He was glad to have Kurt by his side now as well but he was still not sure if it was the best idea. Maybe Kurt was the one that was right. Shawn didn't want to really kill anybody. He never even touched a gun in his life. Hopefully, they taught people how to use them before giving them out and telling the agents to shoot. Or maybe Shawn won't even need a gun. Perhaps he wasn't going to be an agent after all and had some other job.

Shawn's thoughts continued to race as he and Kurt made it to the building. Stepping inside for the last time was a very weird feeling but not necessarily in a bad way. Shawn didn't love the job he only stayed because it was all he knew. He went to school for it and then once he was out he went right to work. Advertising was an important job and could be fun for someone who actually liked it. Having to go through countless meetings and pitch idea after idea on what to sell. It might be fun and thrilling for someone else but certainly not for Shawn.

Kurt was also someone who was really good at his job. That job was where the two met. Both fresh out of college, they worked side by side for years and they have been inseparable ever since. Shawn felt bad that he was basically forcing Kurt to quit his job and to join this crazy thing with him. But there wasn't any way Shawn was going out there without Kurt. He knew he was going to need him. Shawn could always count on Kurt. He had Shawn's back and Shawn would do anything for Kurt.

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