((( Chapter IV )))

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Mei, Chojuro and Ao were deadpanned.

"So Naruto. What are you going to do with the Samehada?" Ao asked.

"I don't know. But I need to keep it as my temporary extra weapon until I could be able to find someone who is strong enough to wield the Samehada."

Sakura looks at the white Kubikiribōchos.

"This is the weapon that is once used by Zabuza Momochi." Sakura said.

"However, Zabuza's original Kubikiribōcho was lost after the death of Zabuza." Naruto said. "I'm still not sure whether someone already acquired it. Don't forget I was the first member of the Ninja Swordsmen of the Leaf."

"Wow." Sakura said. "So, can you teach us swordsmanship?"

"I'll looked forward for teach you all before another ninja war erupted." Naruto said. "We'll see."

Mei, Ao and Chojuro were deadpanned.

"He's planning to have more ninja swordsmen of the Leaf?" Mei (5th Mizukage) said.

"It's totally randomed." Ao said. "Lady Mizukage. I think we should focus on tomorrow's Kage Meeting."

"I know. The question is whether the 5th Hokage will be coming to the Kage Summit in the Land of Iron." Mei (5th Mizukage) said.

"We still don't know just yet." Chojuro said.

Meanwhile, Yugito and Fu were in the rooftop of an inn as Naruto and the others heard it.

"Someone is watching us." Rock Lee said.

"Probably ANBU Black Ops." Kiba said as Akamaru bit Ao in the butt.

"OUCH!!!" Ao yelled. "Your dog bit me in the butt!!!"

"AKAMARU! You naughty doggie, stop causing a lot of trouble!!!" Kiba said.

"I'll go checked outside." Naruto said as he went outside.

Outside of the inn, Naruto jumped into the roof as Yugito and Fu showed up. Naruto deadpanned.

"You ladies again." Naruto said.

"It's been a while since the last time we met." Yugito said.

"Congratulations for becoming a Jonin." Fu said.

"Let me guess. You two have been following me all the time." Naruto said.

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