chapter one

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ROBIN COULDN'T believe his eyes. Actually, he could. People from space? It's happened before, why not add one more moment to the list. What he couldn't believe was the fact that he, of all people, had to be the one to find them. He didn't have to go out today. He could've stayed in. But no, he just had to listen to the ever patriotic Captain America and go get some fresh air. Maybe he should've gone with the Maximoff twins to get groceries, but then he would have to be around Pietro, which he had been trying to avoid for some time now.

What are the odds that another thing would happen to him? He had only finally started feeling like himself again after being kidnapped by Asteroid. He didn't want that happening again, ever.

The demigod paced, well aware of the space people watching him closely. These people could try to kill him any moment, but he didn't seem to care. The Fates had it out for him, there was no doubt about it. The snow had only just melted. It was late March, which meant it was only the beginning of spring. Flowers were blooming, bees buzzing, and Canadians thankful for the warmth that would soon come.

Personally, Robin didn't like spring. The flowers all smelt too strong, like a perfume store. He hated it, yet there he was, out in nature around plenty of flowers. Another thing was the water. Puddles were everywhere. People loved to speed past him in their cars and soak him in water, and it was the most annoying thing. Almost as annoying as Zeus' many, many affairs. Not to mention the fact that this season was home to so many birthdays. Why are there always so many people born in March and April? It makes no sense! Of course, he could never express his dislike of the season, because the goddess of spring would end him. He'd like to stay on good terms with Persephone.

And now, he had another reason to dislike spring. He found aliens in the middle of a random forest. Not his ideal Sunday. He would rather of been at the theatre, maybe an arcade, or something of the sort. Doesn't matter what he wants, though. No, everything had to go wrong, as per freakin' usual.

"Are we sure we landed on Terra?" The brown haired human-looking man said to his companions. "I don't remember anyone having coloured hair."

"What in Hades is a Terra? Is that Spanish?" Robin asked, stopping his pacing and facing the group of six. Sure, they were from space, but they seemed to be speaking English. How would that work? Not even everyone on Earth speaks English, but the entirety of the rest of the galaxy (or galaxies) does? That can't be right.

"It's your planet, dumbass," The talking rabbit - sorry, raccoon - said, having made it's way back to the stump, trying to seem taller. "And yes, Quill, this is Terra," He then said to his companion.

Robin groaned. "Alright, who or what the fuck are you guys?" He demanded, crossing his arms over his chest.

The group introduced themselves as the Guardians of the Galaxy - to which Robin made a passive aggressive remark about how he had never heard of them, sort of like he had done to the Avengers. 

He learnt that their names were Peter Quill (or Star-Lord, as the brunette insisted), Gamora, Rocket, Groot, Drax and Mantis. They didn't exactly say where they were from, but Robin brushed it off, seeing as he didn't really care, and that they all seemed to come from somewhere different. All he really needed to know was if they were good guys.

In his experience, distinguishing bad guys from good guys was usually easy. Usually being the key word. He didn't know with Luke. The other times, it was mostly monsters. And they all wanted to kill him upon spotting him. Real people were a little bit harder to tell - most times he had an instinct. He didn't have a bad feeling about this group, so he decided to trust them... kind of. He wouldn't be giving them his full trust, he hardly even trusted the Avengers, even after everything. There was no way he'd be spilling his life story to potentially-evil aliens upon first meeting them.

He decided to help these strangers out, give them a hand. Anything to get them back in space, really. Not that he didn't want them here, but having weird alien strangers crash into his planet didn't seem like it would bring something good. He had plenty of experience with bad. Enough to last several lifetimes, really. He didn't need more.

Robin walked over to their space craft, observing it. "What parts do you need?" He asked, glancing over his shoulder at them.

"What?" Peter asked, either not hearing the boy or just being confused on the fact that this random human (well, kind of human) was going to help them, a group of weird aliens.

"What parts do you need to repair your ship?" Robin repeated, turning to face them. "The sooner you can fix it, the sooner you're out of here, right? If that's what it takes to get you off my planet, I'm ready to help," He said. Whenever people arrived on Earth, trouble followed. He was ready to do anything to prevent that outcome.

Rocket listed off some parts - most of which wouldn't be sold in just any store. Fortunately, Robin knew someone who could get these parts, but if not, he also knew someone who would be happy to make them. It would take awhile, of course. Earth wasn't necessarily a stranger to beings from outer space, but it wasn't buddy-buddy with them either.

"Alright," Robin said with a sigh. "Follow me."

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