Chapter 38: Sembreak pt.1//Flight

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A/N: Play the song for better reading experience

Kiana's POV:

So today is the day, IT'S MY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!

And I really can't believe that Im already 18. Ahhh time so fast and Im also aging by this time.

Today is also that Jimin and I were about to go to busan and Im really excited because this is gonna be my first time to travel with him on my birthday and Im really looking forward to it but I didn't expect that my parents will be having this for me, they bought us tickets, paid for our hotel and even our chaffeur driver. This day is also special for me since Im turning 18 years old.

Im thankful because my parents gave me this gift that I could never forget it especially im with someone else that I didn't have a travel with. It's my first time like what I've said, well let's just say that I must prefer having a dinner with them or my relatives like a simple gathering while eating one of my favorite foods and having a conversation with them about life or anything else.

And I really can't wait to make memories with Jimin cause all my life I've been dreaming at wanting this to came true and I guess it came true, thanks to my family. But I still hope that this is gonna be a just a memory for me also with Jimin I'll make that sure for every single time.

So right now it's currently 4am and our flight is later at 7am that's why we need to get up now to leave the house early since our service will be here in any minute.

I don't know why my parents booked us flight in the early morning instead seoul to busan is just a 1 hour travel.

I finished packing all of my things last night same with Jimin after we went home we even made our plans for the rest of the days coming. Well I still can't move on from everything that happened last night especially when Jimin cried infront me.

Seeing him like that makes me feel terrible, you know I just hate seeing someone crying but I know how to comfort them.

Good thing I was there beside him when that happened cause if he was alon he might break down alone and that's much hurt.

I was beside Jimin at the moment and he was still sleeping peacefully. I then realized his hand was wrapped around my waist like a baby koala.

He's too cute! I can't even imagine Im already sleeping with him.

Im already wide awake so since Jimin was very too slow to move I decided to wake him up.

"Jimin-ahh... Ireona. We need to get up and its already 4am." I said calmly.

Good thing he woke up that easily not like me who needs more to wake up but it doesn't work either because Im actually lazy and I still dozed off in 1 hour before I get up from bed.

"Good morning Iana." He said and gave me his wonderful smile.

"How's your sleep Oli?" I teased and messed his hair.

"Yahh... I told you not to call me Oli. He's freaking ugly to be honest and im still more handsome than him." He said and stood up.

"I know duhh. Im just teasing you so go get ready and mom told me yesterday that our service will be right here at exactly 6." I said.

"Whatever. And btw you freaking look like a chicken, your hair and face are really mess right now. If I were you, you should look at the mirror." He said and I glared at him.

"You're so mean and harsh at the same you fucking look like Oli in short you ugly!" I said and throw pillow at him.

"Still your breath stinks like chicken!" He shouted as he went out the room.

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