Chapter 01

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      I have been lying in bed for hours tossing and turning with excitement and slightly dreading what my day has in store for me. Ive always been known as the awkward girl with no friends my whole life and finally i have a chance to change that this year. I finally can become someone new as I start my journey into college, yet what if nothing changes, what if it all stays the same or if this becomes the worst experience of my life. My heart is pounding harder with each thought of college turning out just like the past 12 years of school. One good thing is it's a new beginning for me with new faces, no one to recognize me as the biggest loser in town.
I finally shut my eyes just as my alarm clock sounds, slamming my hand on the button to turn it off and groaning at the thought of leaving my bed, which is now terrifying. I work up the courage to make myself roll out of bed so I don't delay the tedious drive I have ahead of me. I begin to put away my last few items i needed and my brain just keeps thinking only ten hours separates me from my past. But lets be honest probably around twelve including stops along the way.
A sudden knock at my door stops me in my thoughts and right after my mother slowly opens the door peaking in on me. "Hi mom I'm just packing up my last few items, I'll be out shortly." I quickly tell her. My mind feels like its running a million miles a minute between making sure i have everything i need and all the thoughts of what if things go wrong or how great things can turn around for me, it really makes it hard to focus in times like this. Once again my train of thought is interrupted as mom replies "I just wanted to check to make sure you were awake, i have some breakfast and coffee waiting for you on the counter sweetheart."
I slip on some comfy tie dye joggers and a t-shirt for the drive ahead of me, and slowly go to walk out of my room with one quick glance back to make sure i have everything and to also look at what I am leaving behind. Walking into the kitchen my mom has a bitter sweet smile on her face, i know it is killing her to let me go so far but she also understands why i need this and she more than understands that i am going to one of the best schools for my degree of choice. "All ready?" my mother says softly, and i reply with a nod and slight smile on my face, i grab my coffee and the breakfast sandwich my mother made for me and then head towards her for one last hug. She nearly squeezes the life out of me and she knows it because we both giggle at her being overly dramatic with this hug as if it's the last time ever.

        I begin my drive headed north from my hometown, the only place I've lived my entire life and now I'm on my own for real, with no one to lean on. The drive is going by faster than I anticipated, luckily the variety of songs on my playlist is keeping me occupied. Finally my first stop is nearing the edge of Gerogia and i just can't hold my bladder any longer. Im in a beautiful city near the beach called Savannah I will definitely have to make a note to come and visit one day when i have more time. Currently i still have around a 5 hour drive left so id say I'm about half way there, and the butterflies are raging through my body already.


        About 500 songs later and a few more stops i am only a few minutes away from pulling into the college's parking lot. I thought my nerves were bad before but i cant even describe the feelings i have right now.

Authors Note:
This is my first ever story I've started writing i always have wanted to just do something like this for fun! Let me know what you think and please vote if you enjoy it so far!

I know this is a short chapter and not alot of context as to what may happen at this point but i have a lot of things in mind and would love to keep writing if people are reading! :)

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