Who tf is everyone lol

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Mercury: the smol ass dude

Venus: the gurl whos also a thot and has onlyfans

Earth: the little fuckboi who eats grass

Moon: Earth's little bitch

Mars: the dude with Gucci and 69 guns and will shoot a nigga

Jupiter: the fatass dude with

Saturn: The dood who eats hola hoops

Uranus: the girl who will cut any bitch who spells her name wrong and does cocaine

Neptune: the aggressive boi who eats rain

Pluto: the ultra small emo lady who probably hat everyobe and has smol pp

by the way theyre not in human for theyre fucking planets

by the way if I say anything that offends you I apologise in advance because this story may be edgy and shit but its not meant to offend anyone

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