After the Rain

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Their nichirin swords slashed through the air as Shinobu forced her weight onto the hilt. Metal clashed and rang clear, their blades now locked into position. Shit. Her hold was shaking from exertion as their blades crossed, her petite frame struggling to push against his sturdier grasp. The calm facade that usually settled across her face was breaking, anger slowly creeping into her visage.

Fight! She pushed against his sword in a final effort. Shinobu used the momentum to spring backwards, cartwheeling through the air like a butterfly taking flight. A placid expression settled on her face that hid her initial struggle with ease, but a trained eye could notice that her hands were shaking. Heat rushed through her body, creeping through like crawling spiders, trapping her in a spinning web of ire. Her heart thumped in her chest.

"Giyuu." She said slowly, a smile playing on her lips. "You seem to be getting rusty."

Giyuu took a defensive pose, foot stepping forward in preparation as she charged. She shoved her sword forward. Their blades let out a screeching hiss as her lunge was met by quick riposte. He slashed forward, aiming for the stomach, only for her to dodge with a sidestep. She frowned. What happened to her agility? Her grace? One of his thrusts nicked her in the side.

Ah, fuck.

Shinobu retreated backwards, clutching the wound that now spurted drops of blood. The scent of iron wafted through the air: be it from her injury or by the sparks that flew from their katanas, she couldn't really tell.

"No." He said calmly. Giyuu brandished his sword. She could've sworn he was smirking. "Just warming up."

Kill All Demons was engraved into the beaten steel, shining in the starlight like slivers of gossamer weaved into each blade, forming a bitter vow sealed by the moon's glow. Maybe she lost focus because he's a friend. Her eyes narrowed, watching as he charged. Or maybe it's because she was too weak.

The striking tide of his attack slammed against her slender sword, threatening to snap the thin silver. Her metal buckled as they both drew backwards, neither wishing for their blades to interlock. Shinobu crouched down and pounced like a praying mantis. From above she stabbed at him, her sword grazing his shoulder and drawing a sliver of blood, only to be parried by a wavelike motion and a strong kick to the ribs, sending her sprawling backwards. The breath was knocked out of her.

"You see." Shinobu pirouetted through the air to break her fall. She cut left and snapped forward when her feet touched the ground. "This is why no lady likes you."

He gasped. Sharp edge met flesh.

Striking Giyuu was like striking water. His movements were like the rush of white-rapids, his strength like a roaring wave. They had sparred against each other so many times, she could see the slight intonations in his every step: the way his foot curved left when he prepared to parry, the way he drew whistling breath when he turned his blade. He was calm with every sway and arc, motions simple and controlled, like ripples in a still lake.

Maybe then it was no surprise when he fell still, a serene expression on his face.

"That's enough." He said coolly as she drew her sword to a stop. It was nestled within the fold of his neck, but they both knew that it was a fickle gesture. She didn't have the strength to slice his head off in one fell swoop.

Still, she gave a gentle chuckle. Shinobu sheathed her sword, letting out a satisfied puff of breath. "I win."

. . .

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