Chapter 15

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Oikawa couldn't look Iwaizumi in the eye for the rest of the day, and while the ace had become seriously worried about this, it pissed him off even more how much Oikawa fooled around with his fangirls again.

Clenching his teeth, Iwaizumi stared at him from the corner of his eye, watching him flirt with so much mischievousness and smugness that he wanted to throw up. Why did Oikawa just always make other girls hope? Why the fuck couldn't he-

Why can't he make me hopes for once?!

Iwaizumi froze and forced himself to look away, hand speeding up to cover his own mouth. Had he said that out loud? No, this was still inside his own mind.
A wave of frustration overcame Iwaizumi as he looked back at Oikawa, still a bit flustered from his own thoughts. Much to his joy, his buzzing phone pulled him out of his gloomy staring contest with Oikawa's back before his eyes could have wandered a bit too low. Sighing, Iwaizumi pulled out his phone and opened his messenger, before he froze and blinked twice.

Azumane: Hey Iwaizumi! Let's go for another ice cream tomorrow after school, just us. Is that okay with you? I'd pick you up!

Iwaizumi stared at his phone in utter disbelief. Asahi was quite pushy, in a way he hadn't expected him to be. His inu senses screamed at him that something was up but well, more time with his friend, so why not? He hadn't seen half of his pack since days, it was a good way to blow off some steam about Oikawa as well.

Iwaizumi: Sure. See you then.

At the other end of the line, Asahi was positively nervous while Nishinoya and Hinata bounced around him as excited as ever, cheering violently. If Asahi wouldn't be this scared of Iwaizumi's reaction, he'd have blushed at the view Nishinoya was offering him, wings flaring behind him like those of an overenthusiastic cockatoo.
"It worked!!"
Asahi closed his phone with a sigh and pushed it back into his pocket before he eyed the two winged children with distrust.
"What if this isn't going to work? W-what am I gonna do if Iwaizumi freaks out like last time? Oh my god, what if h-he-"
"ASAHI-SAN!" Nishinoya exclaimed, already in his face and cupping both his cheeks, wings raising him enough to be the same height as his boyfriend, "This is gonna work!! Think about it!! What makes Iwaizumi more jealous than Oikawa hitting it off with girls?! Oikawa hitting it off with boys! I'm absolutely sure this will work!"

Tanaka behind them barked out a laugh and crossed his arms victoriously.
"You've got such great ideas, Noya!"
Nishinoya backed off of Asahi who first had to digest Nishinoya suddenly being on eye level, while the two energetic whirlwinds flew somersaults around each other, laughing cheerfully.
It made sense in a way, but who on earth were they going to choose to have Oikawa flirt with? Certainly not anybody from their team, it had to be someone equal to Iwaizumi or even better, someone who was just as beast as him, who he definitely didn't already form a bond to. None of Aoba Johsai, none of Karasuno. Fukurodani was an option, but they hadn't fought against each other a single time. Iwaizumi most likely didn't even know who Bokuto was, despite that, he wasn't quite someone to be taken serious as a rival for his crush.

Asahi sighed and finally called out to the two birds, "Who did you even choose?!"
The answer came right back from Hinata, and it was genius enough it surprised him it hadn't come from Tsukishima. Not that he was engaging in such activities.
"Easy!! We'll take Aone and explore Shiratorizawa! Shiratorizawa and Aoba Johsai despise each other! Chances are good at least one person inside the entire school is special, and if we find anybody from the opposite team, we're set! We already asked Oikawa-san and he said it's doable, as long as it's not Ushiwaka!"

Kageyama, even if not the slightest fond of Oikawa, had to admit this was a great idea. He knew for a fact Iwaizumi was able to smell special children, and if someone was going to reek of inu, Aone would certainly catch a whiff of it. Knowing the calm giant, Kageyama was certain he was going to play along as well. Asahi's voice next to the setter pulled him out of his thoughts as he let out a quiet and halfhearted chuckle next to him.
"I'm not so sure how I feel about Nishinoya and Hinata trying to play matchmaker."
Kageyama tried his best to suppress a smirk.
"This will either go incredibly wrong or incredibly well."
"I'll bet you a pack of vanilla milk that this will go as wrong as it could go," Asahi offered and blue eyes grew wide, before Kageyama whirled around and exclaimed a loud "DEAL!" at the now absolutely startled ace, pulling the attention of the entire gym towards himself. Sputtering, turning red, Kageyama tried to come up with an excuse while Tsukishima rolled his eyes.
"Oh shut up, King."
"Hey!! Don't attack my boyfriend!"

Kageyama facepalmed, turning bright red, yelling back, "Hinata-boke!!"
Tsukishima rolled his eyes and Yamaguchi snickered quietly, seeming to find this kind of cute.
"You gotta admit it's kinda cute, Tsuki."
"Gomen Tsuki!"

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