Chapter 2- Dinner

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POV- Edward

As I sit down for dinner, I keep thinking about my interaction with the girl in the market. I usually would never be so straight forward and extreme when meeting someone for the first time, but I couldn't help it. I didn't even plan to talk to her for that reason, but I couldn't stop myself from picking up the tomato she dropped. I always try to be a gentleman.

"Edward, is everything all right? You don't seem quite right this evening, distracted, maybe," my mother notices, her green eyes looking concerned. She's always too perceptive.

"I'm fine, just thinking about my homework," I lie. I really don't want to tell her that I'm thinking about a girl of all things. She'd probably jump to conclusions so quickly and make a big deal out of nothing.

"How's the meal? I just don't know about this one," Mother asks. I'm glad she doesn't dwell too much on her worries about me.

"It's delicious, dear," my father says in a monotone voice. He probably barely notices what it is, he always tells Mother that her meals are delicious. Though they usually are, she cares so much about everything she puts on the table.

I start to zone out a little, eating the chicken dish without noticing much of what's going on around me. My thought are still on the girl, Isabella. I vaguely hear my mother tell us about a dinner we're going to tomorrow night, but I don't pay much attention. I hate those kinds of social gatherings, having to awkwardly sit and make small talk while being bored out of my mind.

    "I'm going to go upstairs and finish my schoolwork, if I can be excused," I tell my parents.

    "Of course, Edward. Good night," my mother says, knowing she won't see me for the rest of the evening. I go up the stairs and into my bedroom. I try to tidy up the small desk in the corner of the room, since I haven't in a while and it needs it. Once I sit down to finish my biology studies, I realize I can still barely concentrate. The work is so boring, and my head is at the market.

    I know that it's crazy to get so obsessed with a girl after just meeting her once, but there was just something different about her. It wasn't just her beauty, either. Her big chocolate brown eyes had hidden depths that left me so curious. I could tell that she was shy, not a big flirt like some of the other girls in this town, desperate to marry as soon as possible. I just needed to know more about her.

    I finally am done with my studies and realize that it took me so much longer than it usually does. I look at the clock, which tells me that it's almost ten o'clock. I lie down to go to sleep. I close my eyes, still thinking of her, and quickly drift off.

If anyone is still reading this, I'm sorry for the crazy short chapters! Maybe I need motivation to write, I feel like no one cares if I update. Maybe I'll try to soon, though! Please comment!
~ MK ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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