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🍇┊꒰ @cloutmyg ꒱ ┊
—one month later.
you lay entangled in jimins loose white bedsheets, the fabric enveloping your body frames as you lay in a languid, cosy embrace.

these past four weeks had flown by, and you had formed a deep connection with your target, something you never thought could be possible.

you had been taught not to feel empathy or emotion all your life, but when it came to him, all the rules you'd been given previously went completely out the window.

you were yourself around him, even though you hardly knew who you actually were. you feared he may know the real you better than you ever possibly could.

you traced your fingertips lightly over his bare torso, sketching hearts and smiley faces wherever possible. you thought he was asleep, but his husky morning voice soon shocked you a little, making you jump. "i like waking up next to makes my heart happy."

"good morning to you too." you look up at him with a grin. "we made good progress yesterday.." you say confidently "i think we're getting closer to finding out who did this to your dad."

"as each day passes i care less and less, i just do it now so that you're forced to spend more time with me." he kisses the crown of your head smoothly.

"all this hunting for his killer, and i don't even really know anything about your dad at all...did he have any friends? or was he a loner like you" you tease as you poke him cutely. he retaliates by tickling you teasingly, making you burst into a fit of laughter as he now hovers over you.

you stop to admire his fresh morning face and you plant a soft kiss on his nose, your heart doing a mini flip when he kisses you back warmly on the lips.

he falls back onto the bed and pulls you in close to him once again, preparing a story to tell you as he clears his throat.

"well my dad had a really small inner circle, it was only me, my mom, and my dads best friend. i called him uncle because we were so close, his family was like my family, but we weren't blood, does that make sense?"

"yeah i guess...what happened after that??"

"well.." jimin gets a little choked up, but soon shakes it off and speaks "jin got greedy and he wanted the empire that my dad had built all to himself, and like he told me before, if someone tries to overthrow you, burn them all to ash right?"

your dad...he was talking about your dad.

but, that was never the way you remembered him. you'd always thought your father was poor, and that his unpaid debts are what caused his death.

maybe you had been in the wrong all along, too young to have known, too naive to believe it.

"anyways, after that my dad heard about jin's plans and he was so heartbroken. he would have trusted jin with his life, and he was betrayed. i cant imagine how hard it must've been on him. it would've ruined me."

'i'm so sorry jimin' you thought to yourself as he spoke, a sickly stabbing feeling becoming apparent in your gut.

i don't want to be the one to hurt you, but i can't change who you are, and i can't change who i am either.

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