chapter 6

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sam pov

"NO! YOU JUST DON"T WANT ME TO BE HAPPY! THAT"S WHAT YOU'RE DOiNG! JUST LEAAVE ME ALONE SAM!" with that she stormed upstairs, followed by a loud slam of the door.

i shut my eyes and breathed. why is she being like this?! 

"YOU KNOW TAYLOR MAYBE IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH A BITCH I WOULD CARE MORE! BUT KNOW> YOU HAVE TO BITCH ABOUT HOW I DON"T CARE ABOUT YOU AND HOW I DON'T WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY WHEN I'M JUST TRYING TO FUCKING HELP YOU! SO STOP BEING A LITTLE FUCK!"i screamed and ran to my room, slamming the door. i rummaged through my stuff and found my bottle of vodka. i ripped off the cap and chugged it. the poison flowing though my body, releasing me from the world. i finally got to sleep after finishing the bottle.


"ehem." i woke up to taylor clearing her throat purposely.

she was holding the bottle i chugged last night.

i sat up and groaned, "oh so now you care?" i said.

she wasn't pleased. she put the bottle down on the dresser. 

"look. i came in to say i am going out to breakfast with harry."

i rolled my eyes, "good luck with that." i said.

she raised her eyebrow, "why do you hate him so much!"

"i never said i hate him taylor. i just want you to be careful! he's known for things taylor and you shouldn't be part of it. trust me. he isn't good for you."

she scoffed, "i bet you're just jealous."

i stood up, "jealous?! of what!"

she smirked, "you're jealous because i finally found someone who will occupy me instead of me having to pay every second of my life on you."

i scoffed and got pissed, "NO! that's not it taylor! you think you pay attention to me but you don't!"

"oh come on sam you're my daughter and i take care of you-"

"NO YOU DON'T! YOU THINK YOU DO BUT YOU DON'T! you can go to hell for all i care! i tried helping you but you're bitching about it! you're not even mature enough to be my mother! your 21! and i'm 14. you're 7 years older!" i screamed. she cringed back.

"you know, i may be your daughter, but you can bet on your fucking life! that you will never be my mother." i spat and locked myself in the bathroom.

i slid down the wall and cried to myself.i heard sobs on the other side. i put my ear to the door and i heard taylor softly crying. why is she crying? i slowly opened the door and she shot her head up. i stood and didn't make eye contact.

"sam please." she pleaded.

i got out some clothes and i went back into the bathroom.

i changed into my white billabong rebel love tee, with a sports bra under, with light blue skinny jeggings, and my boho felt fedora hat.

i put on my black authentic lo pro vans.

lasty, i put my phone, wallet, and extra makeup in my black, bleeker sullivan hobo in pebbled leather bag. i fixed my hair and makeup and i texted justin,

hey babe. wanna grab breakfast? taylor's pissing me off rn.

i got a reply,

yeah sure babe. be there in 10. love you

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