Chapter 4:the Afton family

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His head started pounding, and it was extremely painful, especially on his scar, had it opened again? The back of his head was hurting too, so it was a possibility, he tries opening his eyes, but something wasn't allowing them to open, Am I in coma again?! Oh god, no! I don't want that again, That's when he noticed something, he was able of moving his left hand

"Hello...?" Chris was taken back by how hard talking was right now, the left part of his face being numb wasn't helping either, he was only able of muttering it under his breath

"Uncle Chris?" Brianna spoke, starling the blond to the point that he twiched his left hand upwards, and made a lot of noise with the way he moved his body "Daddy! Great-uncle! Uncle Chris is awake!" She practically yelled, apparently jumping from excitement, the blond moves his head to her voice, wanting to see her

Out of nowhere, a voice came, ทѳτ ઽѳ Բαઽτ, вαвy, Chris started feeling light headed, his consciousness slipping through his hands again

I fucking hate you, dad

ષท૮ℓ૯ ૮ђ૨¡ઽ, ђષђ?

Ah fuck...

ઽђ૯'ઽ ૨૯αℓℓy α∂ѳ૨αвℓ૯, yѳષ ઝทѳખ?

Yes, she is! And you'll stay away from her!

ʍαyв૯ ઽђ૯ ઽђѳષℓ∂ jѳ¡ท yѳષ αท∂ ʍ૯, ทѳτ в૯Բѳ૨૯ ¡ g૯τ τ૯૨૨૯ท૮૯ αท∂ g¡√૯ ђ¡ʍ ђ¡ઽ ρѳખ૯૨ઽ

I can take us three out of your lair all I want, so don't start counting victory!

"He's waking up!" A woman's voice came, he soon learned he could open his left eye, the light blinding him right away "It's alright, Sweetie! You're okay and safe" Wait, I know you!

Chris opens his eye again, being welcomed by a really familiar face, smiling at him

"Mrs.Lawrence?" He mutters, apparently, she did heard him, since her smile brightened

"Hey, Christopher..." Her tone was slow and soft, he could feel someone messing with an supposed IV on his left hand "...we've meet again, huh?" Mrs.Lawrence puts her hand on his arm, in an attempt of calming him, she knew him well, after all, she did helped with his birth

"I guess so..." Chris sighs, he always hated hospital ever since he could remember, and his memory wasn't one of the best out there "How many times? This is the third with a bad condition, right?" He mutters, trying to not only keep himself awake, but to talk with the only doctor he trusted

"Forth, I took care of you when this arm was taken off" She touches his right shoulder, earning a nod from the younger "I remember how much you were panicked, we couldn't calm you down with anything"

"I don't remember much from that, just how much my shoulder was hurting" The blond feels another doctor checking his shoulder, he was wondering why his right arm wasn't moving, now he knows, they took the prothesis to check the injury "What happened this time? I suppose it's with my scar?"

"You had an cerebral hemorrhage and a possible internal bleeding close to your frontal lobe, a friend of yours said she will bring a full body scan that your little device did" Mrs.Lawrence looks at one of her nurses, one with a male voice to be exact "We'll need to run some tests in a little while, alright?" She smiles at him, earning a slight nod from the patient

"Is Mike, uncle Vincent and Bri here?" Chris mutters, noticing how his speech was getting interfered and indistinguishable, soon feeling a hand over the eye the strange liquid got in and William had done his crazy spell, whatever that stupid magic was

FNAF - prohibited knowledge {A sequel to A brother sorrow(rewrite)}Where stories live. Discover now