Part one

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Eight year old Alexandrea Owens gently kicked at her horse's side and it began to run. She felt the cool September breeze rustle her hair, and looked over at her dad and her little sister Rachel across the arena.
Alex was riding horses, which she loved doing. During the summer, she got up early in the morning just to ride, and came back home late at night. Now that school had started, after Alex had come home and done her homework, she went right to her horse. She dreamed of becoming Ms.Rodeo America, just like her mother had been.
"Alex!" Her father called.
Alex kicked at her horse again, and it ran over to her father.
"Mom called us inside. Dinners ready. She has a surprise for you." Dad said.
Alex was shocked, and excited. She couldn't wait to see what the surprise was.

   She put her horse in the stable, and ran back to her Dad and her sister.
Taking her sister's hand, they walked back into the house.

"Wash up, Alex." Her mother said.

Alex walked over to the sink and washed her hands which were streaked with dirt. Then she sat down at the table, her little sister right next to her, and her parents across the table from her.
As her mother spooked some Pasta on the plate, Alex asked;
"Mama, what's the big surprise?"

Her mother sat down, and looked at Alex with shining eyes.

"There's an opening casting call for extras in the new movie Titanic! I was thinking that maybe we should go down there, and you can audition. This is your chance of being in a movie." She said.

Alexandrea stared back at her mom with a shocked expression on her face. Then she flipped back to reality.
"Really?!" Alex cried.
Her mother nodded.
"It's on Saturday , so we have to leave bright and early. You can tell your classmates tomorrow." She said.

Alex bounced up and down on her chair. She bent down next to Rachel and played with one of her tiny curls.
"We'll be in a movie Rachel!" Alex said.
"Movie!" Rachel called. Alex laughed.

After dinner, Alex and Rachel took showers, and began getting ready for bed.

Alexandrea couldn't wait for the next day to tell her classmates!

How Alexandrea Owens-Sarno became Cora Cartmell in Titanic Where stories live. Discover now