Part Two

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"I'm auditioning for a movie!" Alexandrea told her classmates the next day at school.
The class looked shocked, even her teacher's mouth hung open.
"Your becoming an actress?" She asked.
Alex nodded.
"What movie?" Her teacher asked.
"My mother told me it's called Titanic." She replied.
Her teacher smiled wide. "That's Leonardo DiCaprio's new movie!" She said.
Alexandrea was confused. She didn't know who Leonardo DiCaprio was.
"Who's that?" Alex asked.
Her teacher laughed. "He's an actress." She said.
Alexandrea shrugged. "Oh.".


The next day, Alex's mom packed up the car with blankets, and snacks. Alexandrea was wearing her favorite outfit and favorite brown sandles. Her stomach had butterflies in it, but she was so excited.

Her mom took Rachel and buckled her in her car seat. Then Alex sat next to her and put the seat belt over her lap.
Her mother got in the front seat and began to drive. They were going to be driving two hours away, to the Golf of Mexico, from their San Diego home.

On the way there, Rachel mostly slept, while Alexandrea slept, ate some cookies and chips, and colored in her coloring book.

Once they had arrived there, her mom parked the car and helped Rachel our of her car seat.

Alexandrea unbuckled and got out of the car. She took her mother's hand and Rachel's hand, and walked on set with them.

Alexandrea was shocked to see a giant ship.
"That's what the Titanic looked like." Her mother said.
Alexandrea looked at it in awe.
"That's the real ship?" She asked.
Her mother grinned. "No, it's just a model." She said, pushing her daughters up a big ramp to get onto the ship's model.

As they waited, her mother told her about the Ship's story.
"People said it was the biggest ship in the world at that time. It was 1912, and they said it was unsinkable. But then, it hit an iceberg, and a bunch of people froze to death in the cold water." Alex's mom said.
Suddenly Alexandrea heard a howl. Rachel has began crying. Bawling.
Alex guessed that that sad story was too much for her to handle.

Then a women came buy.
"Get that kid in costume. Get her in a lifeboat right now." The women said.
Her mom was a bit confused.
The women grinned. "I'm the casting director. I think your daugher should autition for the 'crying girl' roll."
Alexandrea's mother nodded, and hurried Rachel off.
Alex stood alone now.
The women bent down.
"Would you like to audition for the part of Cora Cartmell?" She asked her.
Alex didn't really understand, but she nodded her head, and followed the lady to a small room.

There, Alex stood behind 9 other girls. They were all smaller then her, and had blond hair, and went into the small room one at a time.
At last, it was Alexandrea's turn.

She walked into the room, and the same women was sitting on a chair. There was also a table with a camera man.

The man smiled and told Alex to sit on the chair behind the table.
She sat down, and picked up the small book that had the word 'Script' on it.

The man took another book and told Alexandrea to read the lines

The man behind the camer said "it's a big ship, huh?"
And Alex replied "Daddy, it's a ship!"

The man smiled and flipped a page in the book.

"Cora, We have to go now. Say goodbye to Uncle Jack." The man said.
"Bye Uncle Jack!" Alexandrea said, giggling and waving.
The man smiled. "Perfect!" He said.
"What's your name?" He asked her.
"Alexandrea Owens." Alex replied.
"And how old are you?" He said.
"Eight." Alexandrea replied.

The women stood up.
"Now, were going to do some dancing." She said.
Alex laughed.
She stood up, and stood on the women's feet.
As they danced, the nice man recorded it with the camera.

Then he turned it off. "That's all we need for now. You did a great job, Alexandrea." He said.
Alex hurried out of the room. Her mother was standing there.

"How was it?" She asked. Alex smiled. "Good!" She said.

And they walked back to their car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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How Alexandrea Owens-Sarno became Cora Cartmell in Titanic Where stories live. Discover now