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Third Person POV

It was fairly late in the UA dorms-almost 10 PM to be exact-but Todoroki and Midoriya couldn't sleep at all. The two boys didn't know why,but their sleeping schedule was getting fairly worse. And Aizawa was getting too ticked off dealing with them showing up late,so they had no choice but to try and sleep, which is easier said than done.

So,they were sitting in the second floor's common room after a study session with Iida and Ochako, talking about nothing too special. As many reasons as to why they couldn't sleep,there was one which was fairly obvious ,that neither of them dared to say in front of the other. And that reason was, their huge crushes on the other. But,even after all they'd been through together, they were still too scared of the other rejecting him.

In the middle of one of Deku's ramblings(and Shoto's somewhat listening), the dual-haired boy spaced out and averted his gaze towards the window,looking at the stars. Todoroki hadn't really had a chance to see them before. He wanted to get closer, but didn't want to leave his freckled friend alone. "Hey,Midoriya?"He asked,still looking out the window.

Unsurprisingly, he didn't listen,or stop talking, so Shoto called again, "Uh, Midoriya?" Still no answer.Todoroki sighed. He had to take drastic measures.

He got up from his seat,and bent down so he and Midoriya were facing each other, grabbed one of the boy's hands, and said for the last time, "Midoriya!"

Deku immediately stopped talking and looked at Todoroki. After a few moments, the two realized the embarrassing position they were in,and backed up.

"S-Sorry,Todoroki! I-I didn't mean to talk for as long as I did!!" Deku exclaimed, blushing a bright red and flailing his arms. "I-It's alright, Midoriya, really." Todoroki started,his face tinted with a soft pink too. "I just...wanted to ask you something."

"Oh. Well,what was it?" Midoriya said,with the blush turned down a bit. "Do you want to look at the stars with me?" Todoroki asked, and watched Deku's eyes lit up. "Like stargazing? Sure, I'd love to!" With that, the two headed to Todoroki's balcony.

Once they got to Shoto's dorm (not making noise the best they could), Todoroki sped up more than Deku thought, and they made it to the balcony. Shouto gripped the railing tightly as he stared at the stars in front of him. He acted like a child sometimes, which is something Deku loved. He chuckled. "So,have you ever stargazed before, Todoroki?" The boy turned to face Izuku. "No, actually. I haven't..." he replied,and turned back to face the night sky. ".... Guess I missed a lot,huh?"

Deku stopped for a minute,then chuckled. "Yea,and the stars are really pretty,right?"

"Yes,but not as pretty as something else."

"Oh,really? What is it?"




"That's quite the late reaction, Midoriya."



Ochako: So,you're asking him today,right?

Todoroki: I'll try to,but what should I do?

Ochako: Not too sure yet..

Ochako: Oh! Ask him about going to look at the stars,and make a cheesy pick-up line saying that he's prettier than the stars!!

Todoroki: Alright,thanks Uraraka

Ochako: No problem, Todoroki! Message back when you two are dating!

Once Deku claimed down,the two were finally able to sleep with the other in their arms.

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