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Two figures entered the house, and surrounded Des. One of the figures dressed in all black and wore gloves. The other one, The Controller, wore very casual clothes. She wore glasses and looked very worried. The black clothed figure seemed to have no opinion on the events occurring.

"Can you give me the scalpel, please Alpha?" The Controller motioned to the figure, a Hispanic woman in her twenties. The woman reached into a small toolbox she carried and removed the scalpel. The Controller motioned again to the figure, "Light please."
She reached into the box, and extracted a heavy flashlight and shone it in Desdemona's face. The Controller ran the scalpel along the left side of Desdemona's face, cutting deep, but focused. She ran it from her temple all the way down under the center of her chin. She peeled her face over, exposing the busy and extensive system of thin wires and a coating of yellow slime that served as the lubricant.

"Towel please."
Alpha handed her a towel and she patted down the areas where the yellow made its way to the surface of her face.

The couple had all their attention focused on the young woman and they almost didn't hear the scratching and plugging behind the television in the living room.
But Alpha did, cocking her head towards the sound.
The sound stopped and so did Alpha's attention.

"Alright, please hand me the repair gel."
Alpha handed her a nondescript tube of gel, which the Controller then applied to the side of her face, erasing the incision. The Controller looked at her watch and then back to Desdemona.

"She'll be up in a few minutes. Let's go. Stay nearby, and find out who's sending her those notes."
The Alpha nodded, handing the bag to the Controller. The Controller left the house.

Alpha stared at Desdemona for a minute before herself exiting the house.

As she exited the house, a lamp was nudged over near the television.

"Shit" a mans voice said.

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