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Lindsey, a dark haired Caucasian woman, opened her eyes to an alarm sounding. The alarm was a cute variant on Billy Murray's The Ghost That Never Walked.

The woman went through her day, sipping coffee, and watching tv. She grew horrified at the images on her screen and the day played out almost exactly as with Desdemona. When The Controller made her appearance, she was followed by two figures, a Beta, and Desdemona. She wore black, much like her predecessor. The Beta held Francis up much as Alpha did before, tears filling his eyes watching New Alpha struggled with Lindsey. New Alpha struck Lindsey in the face, revealing the complicated circuitry underneath. Lindsey sat dazed, and New Alpha grabbed Lindsey by the face, crushed her head in and left her to drop to the ground.

In a hidden room in the woods a lab coat made a note on his computer.

"Replacer model number A00071938 was a failure. But that new Alpha is doing really well. Haven't had a fail in a while now."

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