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//touches briefly (like, two sentences) on abuse//

"Here we go."

Jeongguk shivers, a chill dancing up his spine as the cold gel hits his scalp. He snuggles further into his sweatshirt, watching Jin with careful eyes through the mirror.

"You act like I'm putting hair remover, chill out," the elder mumbles, patting his shoulder in a weak attempt of comfort. Paranoid, the transitioning ravenette grabs the box next to him, scanning it before letting out a sigh of relief. Jin shakes his head, chuckling in disbelief.

"Isn't this the first time you're getting your hair dyed," Jimin asks from the adjacent couch, placing another clip in his hair. The blonde locks stick up in random directions due to the number of hair accessories he's putting, but Jimin doesn't seem to mind as he giggles at his reflection.

"Yeah," Jungkook sighs, playing with the Hello Kitty cape that protects his clothes from the intimidating inky blobs Jin messily applies into his hair, a drop hitting his cheek. "Watch it, grandpa."

"I know you're not talking when I literally have black hair dye in my hands. I could fuck everything up in my sight if I wanted to." Jin waves the dye brush in warning, watching with squinted eyes as Jeongguk smiles nervously. He smirks, making sure the younger's head stays still as he places a hand on the side of his neck.

"That's what I thought."

"That was really hot." Jungkook nods with pink cheeks, watching as Hoseok pokes his head into Jungkook's bedroom. The redhead whistles, letting his whole body enter as a pink bag swings in his hand. It's large, about the size of his calf as he places it with the other presents.

"You think everything's hot, Hoseok," Jin retorts in greeting, rolling his eyes as he finishes up. Placing a cap over Jungkook's head, he rips the gloves off and tosses them into the bin with a tired sigh. Jungkook looks at the mirror with wide eyes, looking at his new hair through the clear plastic.

"We have to wait for about half an hour, so let's get some food. I'm hungry." Jimin laughs, watching as Jin dashes out of the room. Jungkook jumps up, tossing the cape away before walking out the room as well.

"You fattie, this is my house!"

The artist hurries past the living room, waving at Namjoon and Yoongi before stepping into the kitchen. Jin already has half a sandwich stuffed in his mouth, freezing mid-bite as Jungkook walks in, looking at the younger as though he's been caught stealing, which technically, he has.

"You ever realize 'idk' could mean 'I DO know,' and we just never know if they do know, you know?" Jungkook lifts a brow as he turns to the owner of the voice, Hoseok mirroring his expression as they stare at Jimin.

"All I know is that I'll fucking castrate you if you keep speaking that philosophical shit, Park. We're here to party, not to have a fucking existential crisis at 11 p.m.," Jin spits out, shoving the rest of the sandwich into his mouth out of pure anger. Jungkook rolls his eyes, heading over to the fridge and pulling out a carton of banana milk.

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