Chapter 1:

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A bright beam of constant light. That's all I saw. I don't know how long I was in the darkness. Whatever I was in was not meant to be a joyful ride. I was through from side to side and slammed against the walls. I'm sure there were bruses on my body. Wait, what even is a bruise? And how did I know to use the word in that context?

Multiple voices could be heard all around me. They were all quite deep and loud. One in particular stuck out. It sounded a lot different than the rest. There were a lot of words that were said different too.

The vicious light finally started to control itself and I could blink.

"What is it?"

"No guy I've ever seen. Why is the hair so long?"

A small thump shook the thing I was in. Then the strange voice beamed, but much closer to me. "Oh shut it you lot. It's a girl." The rest of them fell silent. A few quiet whispers stirred still. "Hey. Are you alright? Can you stand?" I turned my head slightly to the side and saw a slim figure above me. A hand was stretched out to me and I carefully took it; not sure who it belonged to.

I could finally see clearly and the one who helped me up stood a good 6 inches taller than me. "The name's Newt love." Why did he call me that? And why did he talk so funny?

"Why do you talk different than the rest of them?" He rubbed his shoulder and smiled. The ones above us laughted a little. "I didn't mean to be rude. I was just curious." He shook his head, "No it's alright. I'm not quite sure why I talk this way. I'm just from somewhere different from them I guess." Newt shrugged his shoulders and let his arms drop. "So how 'bout we get you out of this box?" I nodded as Newt stepped up and out of the shiny thing and held his hand out for me to grab.

"Minho!" A boy who was as tall as Newt came running up to him. His eyes were small and his hair was dark and tall. "Have Frypan fix her something." The other boy nodded and ran off to some kind of hut a few hundred yards away.

"Why can't I remember anything? It feels like my mind is empty." I looked up at Newt. The rest of the boys had dispersed and went back to doing other things.

"That's normal. We've all felt that. Every month a new, well normally a boy, comes up in the box. But this time they sent you. You should get your name back in the next day or two. It's the one thing they let us keep."


Newt looked surprised, "What?"

"My name is Andi."

"Oh, that's great. Most people don't remember the first day. Thomas knew his after being kicked in the face his first night." Newt laughed at the thought. Thomas. I'll have to meet him sometime. "Now, pretty soon it will be night. See those gaps?" He pointed far away from where we were. "They're doors. They close at night to keep us safe. It's quite loud, but don't let it scare you."

I just nodded and looked down. "Hey." Newt lifted my chin to look at him. "Your eyes. No one elses look like that. They're all dark colored or green."

A few minutes after Newt finished his "speech", walls started moving.

With it being my first night in the Glade, I think I was fighting with claustrophobia. I'm not sure what it meant, but it felt like the right word. The walls are closing, it's getting darker and harder to see. My chest feels tight and it hurts to breath. I squeeze my eyes as I sit on the ground, trying to calm myself. Then I feel someone sit next to me. I look up and see Newt. he grabs my hand and just looks off at the sunset. He leans to whisper something and his lips touch my ear. "It's ok. I'm right here. I won't let anything happen to you." A shiver runs down my spine as I feel his hot breath against my ear. I grip his hand tight, breathing heavily as the terror sets in. Newt squeezes my hand, reassuring me everything will be alright. I hold his arm with my other hand, pulling him closer to me. I hide my face in his arms and squeeze my eyes shut. My nails are short but still dig into his muscular arms. When the walls finally stop moving, I look at the marks left on them. "Oh, I'm so sorry." I look down and apologize. This is the first I noticed, we are both alone. We're near the "deadheads" and all the other gladers were getting ready for bed.

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