Chapter 3 - "You're lying!"

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I ran as fast as I could; longing to see the Queen and to finally get some answers. Demetrius is Ariadne's new advisor and he has only just moved to Atlantis and does not trust me unlike Dion (Ariadne's previous advisor who unfortunately died). When Dion was advisor I could just walk in without guards trying to attack me but since Demetrius has stepped in, I've had to find another way of getting into the palace. I decided to sneak in through the kitchens as I am acquaintances with a few of the maids. Thankfully Ariadne's maid Thea (who I know well) was present and helped me sneak into Ariadne's chambers.
"I cannot thank you enough Thea." I said with gratitude.
"I know why you've come Jason. Being the Queens maid has its advantages. She confides in me with her thoughts that weigh down on her each day. And guess what is on her mind the most?" Thea asked.
"Um, well, probably Atlantis' future." I replied with uncertainty.
"You're wrong." Said Thea.
"Then what is on her mind the most?"I asked with curiosity.
"You." Said Thea.
"Jason! What on earth are you doing here!" Said Ariadne suddenly.
"Oh um Ariadne! I ... um... I need to talk to you." I replied.
"Very well." She said, "Oh and Thea, never let anyone unauthorised enter the palace again. I don't care if it is you aunt, brother or mother they are not permitted inside. Understand?" Ariadne asked sternly.
"Yes your highness. I do apologise, I'm awfully sorry my lady." Thea answered, her eyes welling up in tears.
"You are dismissed." Said Ariadne in a voice so stern that I started to get worried.
Thea swiftly walked off carting two trays of bread back to the kitchen. At last I could finally talk to Ariadne alone.
"Why haven't you contacted me in the last two weeks?" I questioned.
"Jason. It's not as easy as I thought. The Colcheans army has expanded to double its size. There are armies from Padmos and Helios surrounding the forests waiting to attack. We are weak, too weak in fact. I have had to find more soldiers to add to our army in case of attack and that is why I have been so busy. Jason, I love you, I really do but I just don't think a wedding will be appropriate at this precise moment in time. We will be married but not now. I'm sorry Jason, I hope you can understand." Said Ariadne.
"Why am I sensing that you are not telling me the full truth?" I asked.
"Jason this is the truth." Replied Ariadne.
"YOU'RE LYING!" I yelled, anger raging through me so fast that I began to shake. "There must be something else. You could of sent me a note to at least inform me on the events. I don't like being lied to, at least not from you."
"I told Demetrius. He knows. According to the laws, no formal palace wedding can take place if the partner is not of royal blood. I've thought long and hard about what I should do and I've come up with an idea. We get married in secret but you cannot live inside the palace." Said Ariadne.
"You've lied to me. You said that you didn't care what others may think of you and that you cared about me the most. Well I can see things have changed quite dramatically. Tell me your solution when you've thought about it properly." I said.
I turned around and I walked and I walked back to Hercules and Pythagoras.

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