🍓New school New friends and maybe a bit of cake🍓

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Sehun p.o.v

As soon as sehun arrived home he turned to look at his baekhie who seemed to have fallen asleep during the car ride. Not wanting to wake him up, he gently lifted him up and took him to his mansion.

Once they had gotten inside, he gently laid baek down on his bed and stroked his fluffy hair.
'I'm so sorry about our mom baek.' He quietly cried.

"Mmm....sehunnie. Why are you crying." Baekhyun asked confused.

"I'm soooo sorry baekhie about our mum." Sehun sniffled

"It's ok sehunnie we have to be strong for her and papa." Baekhyun said stroking sehun's hair while a tear dripped onto his cheek.

"Ok baek get some rest now you have to go to your new school tomorrow." Sehun said wiping his nose.

"YAY!!! New school for baekhie." Baekhyun cheered.


Next morning

"Baek...baek...come on baek it's time to wake up."

"No baekhie doesn't want to. Baekhie wants to sleep."

"If you don't wake up you won't get your favourite strawberry pancakes." Sehun whispered and quickly ran downstairs.

"Mmmh baekhie wants pancakes." Baekhyun pouted then rushed to the bathroom.

After showering baek quickly ran downstairs to find a neatly stacked mountain of strawberry pancakes.

"Yaaaaaaay pancakes!!!!!!" He shouted.


In front of the school
Baekhyun p.o.v

"Sehunnie baekhie is really nervous." Baekhyun said.

"It's ok little berry I'm sure you'll be ok. Now give your hyung a hug before you leave." Sehun said spreading his arms out.

"Bye hyung." Baekhyun giggled.

After hugging and pecking his brother baek quickly ran to his school not wanting to be late on his first day.

Running to the entrance Baekhyun accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh no baekhie is very sorry."Baekhyun said with tears in his eyes. "It's baekies first day and baekhie thought he was late so had to run then baekhie-"
"Hey hey hey don't cry it's ok. If your lost I can show you where your classroom is. And my name is kyungsoo." Kyungsoo said smiling.
"Ok hello soo I'm baekhie let's be good friends." Baekhie said.

Kyungsoo p.o.v

It's the first day after summer vacation and the teachers are already giving me so many tasks as I am apparently the teachers pet. Before I could turn to Mr Kim's office something crashed into me.
"Oh no baekhie is very sorry." The most beautiful boy I've ever seen said with tears in his eyes.
"Hey hey hey don't cry it's ok. If your lost I can show you where your classroom is. And my name is kyungsoo." I told him.
Ok hello soo I'm baekhie." He said.
"Awwwwww baekhie is sooooo adorable." Soo thought.
"Come on baek let's go before we're late." I said taking his soft hands.

In the classroom

"Okay students settle down today we have a new student joining us." Mr Kim said opening his classroom door.

Once baekhyun stepped into the classroom everyone started to coo at him as he was so adorable.

"Please introduce yourself." Mr Kim said.

"Hello I'm baekhie and I hope you can all look after me." Baek said.

"Okay baekhyun you can go sit next to Kyungsoo." The teacher said.

'"Yay soo!" Baek screamed while everyone in the classroom laughed.


"Come on baek lets get some food then I'll show you my friends." Kyungsoo said taking baek to the food line.

" Look Soo there's strawberry cake. Baekhie really wants that one." Baek said excitedly.

"Okay okay we have to wait our turn then we can get it." Kyungsoo said.

Except when it was their turn there was no strawberry cake left.

"Soo the strawberry cake is all gone." Baek said with tears in his eyes.

"Hey it's ok I'll take you out after school to get cake ok don't cry." Soo said wiping baeks tears.

"Okay." Baek said sniffling.

"Come on let me take you to see my friends."

At the lunch table

"Ok baek this is Luhan and Chen."

" Luhan, Chen this is-"

"Hello I'm baekhie." Baek said.

"Aww your soooo cute." Luhan said.

"So baekhie wanna go shopping after school." Chen asked.

"Mmm not today Soo is gonna take baekhie to get strawberry cake cause there was none left." Baek said with a pout.

"Awww you can have mine if you want." Luhan said.

"Baekhie doesn't want to take yours." Baek said fiddling with his fingers.

"Its ok why don't we share then." Luhan said bringing his plate closer.
Baek then lit up and nodded his head causing everyone to chuckle.


Later on after school

Baek was lying down on his bed after having a nice warm bubble bath when his phone rang

"Hello baekhie."

"Oh Channi Yoda hello. Baekhie has soooooo much to tell you."

"Really ok then tell me."

"Today baekhie went to school and it was baekhies first day and baekhie made lots of friends. Lulu Soo and Chennie all ate lunch with baekhie and it was really fun but then when baekhie was in the lunch line all the strawberry cake was finished and baekhie was really upset-...."

"Ha ha ha."

"Hey it's not funny baekhie was really upset."

"Ok I'm sorry you really like strawberries don't you."

"Yes baekhie does."

"Channi Yoda baekhie missis you."

"I miss you to baek but it's ok because we're gonna go out this weekend remember."

"Oh yeah baekhie is soooo excited."

(Hello I'm sorry about updating so late but my school is setting a lot of work and since I do art I have to spend a lot of time on it. I hope everyone is taking care of themselves \>•</).

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